Crayola Melt n Mold

Crayola Melt n Mold


Crayon Molds – Tips


The Crayola Melt n Mold Factory is a good and fun tool for creating small objects made out of crayons. Here are some tips when creating your own mold for the machine. (see “Creo – Mold Making” on the left)

1) Make your runners as thin as possible, but not too thin so that the molten crayon can’t flow through. After the crayon cools, it will be easier to snap off the runners from your actual object

2) Add a log of pegs/holes into your design to secure your mold. Having them all around the perimeter ensures that both halves stay together, which prevents crayon from flowing out.

3) If you are designing an object with an outward extrusion (like the MAE plate shown), make sure your extrusion isn’t too thin. Or else, when you are separating the mold, the thin extrusion could snap in the process (see below). So if you want to print text, use thick/wide/short/stubby font.