Two project files were used to compute the current and magnetic field. The first file used the ‘Electric Currents (ec)’ and ‘Heat transfer in solids’ physics packages and the ‘Thermoelectric Effect’ and ‘Electromagnetic Heating’ multiphysics packages to compute the temperature gradient, voltage, and current. Proceeding current calculations from current density, the respective current is used in a second file to calculate the magnetic field. In the second file, ‘Magnetic Fields (mf)’ and ‘Electrical Circuits (cir) ‘ physics packages were used. It was needed to define the apparatus as a coil in the mf package with an input and output, create a closed circuit in the cir package, using a current source—essential because the calculated current from the first file is used here—ground, resistor and coil (defined in the mf package), and add a box of air around the apparatus to ensure that the magnetic field was calculated around the device.
Temperature Gradient (°C)
Electric Potential (V)
Volumetric Current Density (A/m^2)
Multislice/Streamline Current Density (A/m^2)
Multislice Magnetic Flux Density (T)
COMSOL 6.2 Files: Thermo-Electric Current, Magnetic Field
Temperature Gradient (°C)
Electric Potential (V)
Multislice/Streamline Current Density (A/m^2)
Multislice Magnetic Flux Density (T)
COMSOL 6.2 Files: BismuthAntimonyThermoElectricFiles
Henry’s Thermocouple
Temperature Gradient (°C)
Electric Potential (V)
COMSOL 6.2 Files: HenryThermocouple