65 Tiger Cub Motorcycle

FRS 106, Michael Littman – Spring 2016

March 24 — Jim Palmer

• Next Tuesday, chapters 16 and 17 for Next Tuesday
• Sandblaster was broken at powder coater, parts delayed
• Frame to be in by Wednesday
• If weather is nice next Tuesday, Model T
○ If not, class

Last Class

• Jenny (wheels)- finished cleaning spokes, began cleaning nipples
○ Begin cabling: break cables, drawbar, anything with wheels
• Diego (electrical)- helped wheels team
• Vidur (frame)- put primer on back fender, removed scratches
• Catherine (frame)- buffed fender to that the primer would stick to the fender (primer on gloss doesn’t stick)
○ Buff allow fenders
○ Begin looking at tank: flush out, look at fixtures
• Micah (fasteners)- assembled carburetor, looked at others to try and find missing parts
○ Today will attach it to another motorcycle, test
• Ali (wheels)- spokes, cleaned chain with parts cleaner, cleaned sprockets, amassed photos
• Oscar (bottom end)- began to take apart another bike, examined oil system to replace flywheel
○ Will learn how to disassemble and reassemble engine
• Chris (top end)- put insert into a stripped hole
• Parker (top end)- insert: drilled a larger hole in stripped hole, thread in insert (steel), fixes stripped hole
• Jamie (bottom end)- worked on removing flywheel with much enhanced speed in comparison to the last time
• Alex (fork)- was going to replace the gators, didn’t work out. Sand blasted and primed
○ Today will use epoxy paint (high gloss black)
• Ali (Clutch)-

• If nothing else to do, clean stuff

• Hudson (Clutch)- cinched transmission shafts together
• Izzie (fork)- Today will help out with bottom end group
• Grace (wheels)- finished cleaning spokes, cleaned other parts


Chapter 14

Motorcycle References
• 154, discusses engine breaking, putting load on engine as opposed to friction against wheels
○ Castor force: corrects wheel, increases with speed
○ Straddle walking: feet of pegs as sort of training wheels

• Narrator talks about Peace of Mind
○ Ties into classical v romantic idea
○ Possibly signifies moment when the narrator starts to blend the two ideas and ceases to see them as a binary
• We’ve lost touch with how amazing the technology we use every day and take for granted is
• 154 “it’s not the technology that’s scary, it’s what it does to relationships between people”
• The functions and capabilities of technology are cool, but how does it change the way we experience things
• Big technology discussion, unfortunately I was so enthralled and invested I forgot to take notes. Apologies.
• A different perspective of things can change your whole attitude
• Technology can be very addicting
• Radio; originated for the purpose of person to person communication
○ 1920, first radio station KDKA, the first time one person was capable of broadcasting to many
○ Radio stations originated in big department stores
○ RCA sponsored a national orchestra to play
○ FDR’s fireside chats, one to many
○ During the depression, more people wanted a radio than wanted a refrigerator
• The internet wasn’t created for us, it trickled down to us
• The extent of today’s technology is not necessary

Chapter 15

Motorcycle References
• 175, change the tire and replace the chain adjuster link

• Big focus on the quality of teaching
Talks a lot about mimicry and imitation in schools
• High school facilities a lot of mimicry and regurgitation
○ Due to standardized testing, a lot of schools with limited resources find themselves cutting arts and creativity
○ We justify bring back art by saying that it will improve performance in other fields
○ We fail to appreciate art for what it is
• While standardized tests have had an effect on our country, there is some value to keeping track of the progress of all students
• Standardize testing in and of itself isn’t bad, but the implementation is ineffective
• Although perhaps it is impossible to implement them in the perfect
• It naturally occurs that more privileged areas become more capable of doing well, despite the SAT being invented as a test not to be studied for
• What does it do v. What is it good for
• Perhaps there is some value to not pursuing high education because of the way that it forms us and molds us into analogous products
• Discipline and play
○ You need to be disciplined enough to play
○ A perfect education system would build a strong foundation of basic skills so that students can then exercise creativity
• Rhetoric
○ Speech in writing
• Writing seminars are simply teaching Princeton students to mimic
• Professors sometimes simply enforce templates for the sake of producing what is expected
• Writing program is formed around the idea of building your own credibility as a writer around arbitrary topics and structures
• There is value in being taught to argue something without necessarily being passionate about it

March 22 — Jim Palmer


What did you do over break?

Izzie: was in Princeton for Lacrosse, played some games, traveled a bit, lost, had fun

Hudson: also went to Kentucky, rock climbing

Grace: In Princeton, rowed

Alex: lacrosse

Allie: went to Philadelphia for a breakout trip. Community engagement through the arts

Other Allie: home to San Diego, surfed

Parker: went to maine, visited friends

Oscar: Rowed

Jamie: did an exchange program with St Johns College at Cambridge University

Micah: did Breakout trip to New York studied marginilization of LGBTW community

Vidur: fire trianing, got first call, “ahh”

Diego: visited family in Texas

Chris: went to Ireland with Rugby team

Last Lab

Chris (top end): put together the motorcycle lift

Izzie (fork): practiced starting a motorcycle with Glenn and Alex and Parker, was successful

Hudson (Clutch): took apart kick start pedal and clutch lever, cleaned it and figured out ball bearing and spring. Worked on explaining the transmission

Grace (wheels): continued to clean the spokes

Alex (fork): started motorcycles

Allie: cleaned spokes with drill

Other Allie (clutch): trying to decipher clutch system

Jim (fasteners): cleaned carburetor, polished. Today will be putting assembled carburetor onto a different motorcycle

Parker (top end): finished cleaning parts

Oscar (bottom end): assembled the hydraulic motorcycle lift

Jamie (bottom end): bottom end team was missing some washers so Noel took her upstairs to the stock room and retrieved some new parts

Catherine (frame): disassembled part of the kickstand to go to the powder coater, finished cataloguing parts to send to powder coater (stuff should be in shop next Tuesday). Also cut rubber away from the foot pedals

Comments on Martinelli:

Remarkable that he spent so much time devoted to learning math even though that’s not what he wanted to do, he only did it so that he could eventually design a better airplane.

Cool that all he wanted to do was make a better airplane. So simple, yet so complex.

Reading discussion:

Chapter 11

Motorcycle references
• Adjustment of the air fuel ratio as altitude increased. Air thins as altitude increased, ratio had to be adjusted accordingly
• Backfiring on 125, related to air fuel mixture (becomes to rich and hydrocarbons pop)
• 132, a priori motorcycle

• 128
○ A priori
○ The motorcycle he is riding is full of sensations that he is perceiving of the world around him
○ Is there a difference between that and the concept of the motorcycle that lays in his mind
• Looking at the dame object from different angles changes perspective, but when you have an understanding of the whole it becomes a different view of the same thing
• A priori means inherent within yourself, from birth
○ “A Priori motorcycle” is perhaps disingenuous
• The idea he’s driving is that is that he has a conceptual view of what a motorcycle is, separate from the sensory experience
• If you have a concept of what a motorcycle is then there are things that you look for, but if you were just observing the sensory experience there will be things that you miss.
• Understanding of the whole influences the perspective and experience
• There are only two true a priori concepts: Time and Space

• Betty Edwards, Neuroscientist and artist
○ Drawing on the left side of the brain (book)
○ Has people draw a face from a picture she puts on the wall
○ She then turns the picture upside down and has them copy
○ She finds that untrained artists are way better at copying things upside down than from right side up
○ Because we are more accurate when we do things separately from our previous understanding of them
• Example of Copernicus
○ Sensory experience didn’t change, but his understanding of the way planets moved did change

Chapter 12

Motorcycle References
• Pg. 137 plastic bubble – windbreaker of helmet
• Phaedrus understood systems and was able to be more functional as a result

• Duise returns, she was more so a figure from Phaedrus’s life and not his, she knows Phaedrus, not him
• Interesting to see the character development
○ The author is coming closer to Phaedrus and steadily developing over the course of the trip
• 139, perspective of technology
○ The Sutherlands fear the technology, while the narrator embraces it
• Two completely different attitudes toward technology with the same understanding (zero)
• Phaedrus identifies most with the students who are failing, he is widely misunderstood
• Phaedrus does not think very highly of eastern philosophy
• “everything you think you are and everything you think you perceive are undivided”
○ Rejected
• Logic does not give you everything

Chapter 13

No references

• Whenever there is an outside force that dictates what you are allowed to do, it significantly limits what you are able to do
○ Complete independence is therefore almost impossible
• Such a high level of isolation established environment
• Environment influences experience
○ Collegiate gothic architecture inspires excellence
• There are benefits to isolation, but breaking out is necessary
• Space can be very inspiring and can have a big impact on your perspective
○ Connection to the history of a space can be important
• We often desire to maintain a certain perspective, and that dictates what we do
• Regulations imposed upon us significantly limit the autonomy that we have
• It’s very important to have a space that is safe and conducive to learning and community, but perhaps past a certain point it is futile

March 10th – Oscar H.

Report on Shop Class Last Tuesday:

  •      Electrical team: Continued to work with plugs.
  •      Forks: Cleaned and sandblasted joints.
  •      Wheels: Continued to clean spokes. Sandblasted parts of the frame.
  •      Clutch &Transmission: Continued to study assembly of clutch and how the parts will come together again.
  •      Top end: Cleaned parts using the parts cleaner.
  •      Bottom End: Continued to clean the engine casing.
  •      Fasteners: Checked the gaskets and recut some of them.
  •      Frame: Continued to clean engine covers, buffing and polishing using Scotch Bright pad.

Professor Littman introduces Professor Martinelli who begins with a talk of his work and how he has ended up here.

–        Professor Martinelli completed his undergraduate studies in aeronautical engineering at the Politecnico di Milano.

–         Earned his Ph.D. at Princeton in 1987.

–        He remained at Princeton as a Research Staff member to continue the development of computational fluid dynamics methods in collaboration with his former Ph.D. adviser Antony Jameson (at a time in which the MAE department was one of the worldwide leading centers in the field.)

–         He joined the faculty in 1994, and has been teaching courses in Aerodynamics, Applied and Computational Mathematics, and Design.

–        Professor Martinelli’s research is primarily motivated by the desire of improving the aerodynamics efficiency of airplanes, cars, ships, and energy conversion devices, and is concerned with a variety of fundamental problems at the intersection of aerodynamics, computational science and engineering design.

–        When he first came to Princeton, the biggest problem he faced was with his mathematics and computation methods. Because of this he spent the next 10 years working diligently on his applied math skills.

–        Another problem was that the computational technology was not at a high enough level yet to avoid physical testing which would enable the process of design to become a lot cheaper. This meant he devoted a lot of time to developing computational methods.

–        The world took leaps in this area with us nowadays we are able to run computations in a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the price – a $4million computer in 1990 vs our laptops today.

–        Professor Martinelli demonstrated the effects of better fluid mechanics as he told us of how his work with some students allowed him to help Switzerland – a landlocked country – to win the Americas Cup in 2003.

–        Working with racing cars is much harder than working with planes. With a plane you know and can predict the environment, you know the speed and what is surrounding it. Whereas with a car the flow becomes time dependent, there are lots of vortices which bounce around and are energetic with interacts with the flow field.

–        Other things he has worked with – Building wind turbines, helicopter rotors, planes of all speeds (subsonic to 5x speed of sound).

–        Professor Martinelli showed us a slide of a bike and rider in a wind tunnel. It showed how they trace the air flow over bodies and how flow becomes turbulent. Initially it is all laminar flow (smooth) to start with to turbulent flow (rough). He talked about how they try and make the air particles follow the back of the rider because it gives the minimum drag.

–        How fluid mechanics relates to motorcycles internally and how it is important in the engine. It’s key in the mixing of the air and gasoline in the piston, and how the flow pattern is effected by the intake, shape and curve of the piston.

–        Venturi Effect – for an incompressible flow a reduction of area causes an increase in local flow velocity and a consequent decrease in pressure. This effect is what causes the downforces on a race car. Mechanics try and shape the bottom of the car so that it creates suction so the vehicle sticks down.

–        Fins on the engine – their only purpose is to cool the engine more efficiently.

Questions and Answers:

  •       What is fluid mechanics?

–                 –        The study of the motion and dynamics of any continual media – liquid/ gas and the interaction of the particles.

  •      How do commercial and military planes differ in their aerodynamics?

–        Not so much the use of the plane but rather the mission of the plane.

–        Difference between fighter and civil. – ratio between area and wing span. Efficiency needs high aspect ratio, gliders up to 20 whereas fighters have small ratio (roughly 3)

–        Lift comes from the spin. Idea of baseball.

–        Can maneuver in high angle of attack.

–        Keep span very low in the military jet.

–        Sweep wing angle, angle dependent on speed of flight, Mach 2 = 30 degrees.

  •       What technological advances are you eager for in aerodynamics?

–        Looking forward to reducing and removing drag. Trying to fly supersonic (faster) with the same cost of flight. The problems with this at the moment are the strength of the shockwaves (creating environmental problems) which are created by drag. Strength of wave = weight of aircraft. However, you would need a noticeable difference in weight to make difference the strength of the shockwaves– 150,000lb at 1.6 Mach is what we can get away with at the moment. By increasing the speed of flights it would reduce the cost of flying as the main cost at the moment is leasing planes from banks, so you either have to move more people to make more money. This can be achieved by bigger planes or more flights. At the moment more flights through faster flight times is the most achievable option.

  •    How does fluid mechanics vary from air to water? / are there general principles that apply to boats, motorcycles, planes and rockets?

–        Water is incompressible and gas at low speeds is also incompressible, but in a gas at high speeds when you go faster it can be compressible and you have to worry about the thermodynamics. Water if you go fast has another problem, it can make bubbles, and cavitation’s.

–        US military working on super capitating torpedo which makes an  air bubble around them.

–         Reynolds number = inertial forces/ viscous forces.  Keep the number the same in water and gas then everything behaves the same. – On mars there is a low Reynolds number and high mac number which is very bad for flying.

March 8th – Oscar H.

Report on Shop Class Last week:

  • Electrical team : Worked on the kick starter and worked with the sparkplug – testing it by grounding the plug to the engine case.
  • Forks : Organized, catalogued and cleaned all parts. Ordered parts to be replaced like bushing, which was damaged previously. Sandblasted parts for other groups.
  • Wheels : Continued to clean spokes. Sandblasted parts of the frame.  Additionally, Prof. Littman mentioned that a new hub has arrived for this week.
  • Clutch &Transmission : Counted the number of teeth. Looked at how to line up the teeth and gears.
  • Top end : Cleaned parts using the parts cleaner. Put both valves back in using C Clamp and noted how it has 2 springs.
  • Bottom End : Cleaned the engine casing.
  • Fasteners : Used the laser cutter to cut out gaskets.
  • Frame : Cleaned engine covers, buffed and polished using Scotch Bright pad.


The Clutch:

  • 3 or 4 pairs of plates inside.
  • There are a lot of pairs opposed to just one so as to increase the for two reasons: to increase the friction and to make it easy to disengage the clutch.
  • Demonstration of the difference in friction of the number of layers – Measuring the force required to drag a block across a wooden surface. Repeated this with the block now between two wooden surfaces. The force required to drag the block increased.
  • Easier to disengage lots of smaller forces than one large force on one plate.
  • If the clutch is not strong enough the engine will not turn over as the clutch will slip. Solution is to tighten the springs to make the clutch firmer.


There would be no reading for Thursday as Professor Martinelli, an expert in fluid design, will come and speak to us. This left us to prepare for his visit.


We looked at an F1 car and how its design affects its performance. The importance of a spoiler for creating downforce on the rear wheels allowing it to have enough traction so that the power is used efficiently.


We prepared several questions for Professor Martinelli to ask him upon his visit:

  • What is fluid mechanics?
  • How does knowledge of fluid mechanics impact the performance of a motorcycle?
  • How do commercial and military planes differ in their aerodynamics?
  • Tell us about your career?
  • Why are Boeing trying to improve? Why do they need advice?
  • What is changing in fluid design technology?
  • Are bicycle sized airplanes possible?
  • What is the difference between Boeing and its competitors?
  • How does back pressure effect engine performance?
  • What is his favorite thing about fluids?
  • How did he get introduced to fluid mechanics?
  • How does fluid mechanics vary from air to water?

March 3rd – Ali W.

Report on shop class last time:

Bottom End: learned about the oil system and took inventory of parts

Electrical: fixing and restoring wires; stripped wires for main electrical assembly; sautered new connection on previous year’s bike to fix ignition system

Clutch & Transmission: used parts-cleaner to clean clutch and transmission parts; reorganized parts and took inventory

Top End: dyed the valve seats blue, cut valve seats (lapped with a compound) → help surfaces fit well together by grinding valve into seat (seat is soft and the valve is hard); made sure that push rods were “true”

Fork: organizing parts & taking inventory; understanding structure

Fasteners: cleaned out rear-wheel hub with a tap and yield, measured threads, prepared rear-wheel hub for painting

Wheels: cleaned and polished spokes

Frame: took apart kickstand, sand-blasted, and cleaned; cleaned brake-plates; prepare materials for powder-coating


Chapters 9 & 10 of Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Chapter 9 – Leader: Parker

Motorcycle References:

  • Spark Plugs – “mechanic removes the plug and lays it against the engine. . . and watches the gap for a blue spark” (107);  troubleshooting the electrical system using scientific method; color of the spark is very important (want a bright blue spark)

  • Engine Misfire – how you would know: series of “bangs” and “pops”, may miss entirely


  • Inductive and Deductive reasoning → setting foundation for philosophy and content in Chapter 10

  • Methodology for troubleshooting motorcycles through use of the scientific method

  • “They are using the experiment as part of a program to expand their hierarchy of knowledge of the faculty motorcycle and compare it to the correct hierarchy in their minds.” (108)

  • “One learns just as much from failure as they do from success”

  • Scientific method with a purpose

Chapter 10 – Leader: Jenny

No direct motorcycle references


  • Philosophy about the scientific method and its purpose

  • Things that you prove are temporal as you are likely to reveal more information as you learn more

  • Epistemology (the theory of knowledge) takes a strong foundation as the driving force in this chapter

  • Scientists versus philosophers as philosophers try to explain science

  • Scientists maintain an open mind as the hypothesis is always changing → seeking truth (“the truth of yesterday may not be the same as the truth of tomorrow”)


None → will continue reading after Spring Break

There will be class next week, but no reading

March 1st – Ali W.

Report on Shop Class last week:

  • Wheels – cleaning spokes and polishing; possibly re-chroming next class
  • Fasteners – Sorting nuts and bolts; Use “cad software” to make gaskets
  • Fork – ground out the “high spot”; put fork back together (last owner used the wrong fastener, damaged the part as a result); used a tap-wrench (internal threads) and a dye for cleaning out (external threads)
  • Frame – finished sand-blasting; looked for cracks
  • Electrical – collected parts for powder-coating; hooked up the stater (three pairs of coils associated with it – each pair generates a voltage as a function of time; 1. ignition set, 2. winding for lights, 3. winding for the horn – different number of turns of wire) to the test-stand, hooked up to a drill motor, which was hooked up to a power supply (battery) to spin the stater and measure how well it was working
  • Clutch & Transmission – learned how the transmission system works together with all parts
  • Bottom end – cleaning day; split the case of the engine and spent time cleaning case and oil reservoir
  • Top end – spent time cutting valve seats (three different angles to be cut due to the fact that our motorcycle has a racing engine)


Chapter 4 of Shop Class as Soulcraft (SCAS)

1st section (Pg. 72 – Pg. 89) Leader – Diego

MotorCycle References:

  • Ball bearings – “ . . . how to pack a wheel bearing . . . the grease comes oozing up through the ball bearings, between the inner and outer races.” (77)
  • Trouble-shooting – “ . . . ‘drivability’ problems (sputtering, flat spots, hesitation) . . .” (78)
  • Shocks & compression – “. . . I installed gas shocks . . . car had developed low compression in one cylinder. . .” (83)
  • Nitrided – “ . . . have your journals nitrided . . .” (86)

              (coating to not wear journals as much)

  • Match-porting – “ . . . under his supervision, I match-ported the intake manifold” (87)

              (align intake of manifold for smoother line-up)


  • Theme: Need to identify with work; have passion in what you do
  • String Theory – “ ‘Did you know that you can always untie a shoelace just by pulling on one end, even it’s in a knot?’” (79)
  • Theory from practice (two different ways of thinking)
  • Different types of people
  • Diamond cutter vs. Dog Trainer (attentive vs. assertive)
  • Different people are suited for different professions (different mindsets)

2nd section (Pg. 90 – Pg. 102) Leader – Vidur

Motorcycle References:

  • Valve Springs & Spring Compressions – “Using a vernier caliper to measure the spring compression . . .” (93)
  • If springs aren’t strong enough, lose power
  • If springs too strong, rockers will cause the end of the valves to “mushroom”
  • Tappets –  brings in Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance on page 96


  • Personal knowledge in chosen profession
  • “ But the mere fact they [mechanics] stand ready to fix things, as a class they are an affront to throw away to society. Just as important, the kind of thinking they do, if they are good, offers a counterweight to the culture of narcissism” (102)


Chapters 9 & 10 of Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Design

How to enter “Edit” mode on website:

Enter this url: http://www-dept-edit.princeton.edu/ssp/  and scroll to bottom of the page to click “Enter Edit Mode” (in red), then use your netid and password to log in

Feb 25th (Day 8)–Chris

-Last Lab

-Frame: Continued sandblasting the key parts of the frame

-Fasteners: Taught how to drill and thread

-Bottom End: Continued Disassembly

-Clutch: Took apart rotor and continued disassembly

-Top End: Sandblasted the head and cleaned other parts

-Calculating Overall Gear Ratios:

-Bottom, Second, Third, Top

-Engine Top Speed: 6000 RPM

-Ratio: Rear Wheel Speed vs. RPM

-Ex. Rear Wheel Speed = RPM/ Overall Gear Ratio

-Rotor connected to gear clutch basket with chain

-Rotor rotates -> Rotates the Gear a certain fraction -> Rotates the Drive Chain Gear ->   Drives the rear sprocket a certain fraction

-Real Example: Tiger Gear Ratios

-Gearbox:  17 and 54 (tooth)

-Drive Chain Gear: 17

-Rear Sprocket Gear: 54

-Engine: 19 Teeth

-Clutch Basket: 48 Teeth

-Use information to find max speed of the motorcycle (roughly 60 MPH)


-Main Shaft and Layshaft

-Main: Goes through engine body


-Clutch Basket is Connected to Main Shaft

-Sprocket attached to output gear



-F= (coefficient of Friction) x (N: Normal Force)

-Coefficient for Asphalt = 1.0

-Force= Weight of Bike + Weight of the Rider/ 2 (wheels)

-Downward Force = 200 Pounds x 1 = 200 pounds of shear force

-F= MA

-A= 1/2G (Due to 2 Wheels): Find length to get to 60 MPH

-Torque= Length x Force

-200 Ft*lbs till engine slips -> Divide by Gear Ratio = Torque of Rotor

-Tension in Chain = Torque of Rotor/ Radius of Rotor


-Gear Box Ratio:

-Drive Chain Sprocket Gear Relative to Gear Clutch Basket Rotation


Zen Precept Discussion

Chapter 7

Motorcycle References:

-Left Exhaust Pip Blue Coloring: Engine is Running Hot; Chrome turns blue when hot

-Metal Gas Tank -> Engine Making Sounds

-Engine Being Warm -> Engine Pinging: Air is heated and explodes on its own due to compression: No need of spark plug

-Chain Lubricant: Yield and Motor Oil: Penetrating oil for rust and dirt: Motor Oil: Doesn’t evaporate

-Piston, Wheels, and Gears: Moving in Coordination with each other

-System of parts connected


-Key Ideas:

-Phaedrus: Electric Shock Therapy -> New Personality

-Has Never Met Phaedrus: Phaedrus was very unique, intellegent

-Handful of Sand: Knife Cutting through the façade of reality


Chapter 8

-Motorcycle References

-Adjusting the Engine: Tuning the engine to get into specs

-Lose Tappet: Need the engine to be cold due to the hot metal expanding

-Specs set when the engine is cold

-Porcelain in Plug:

-To much gas, not enough air:

-Color of Spark Plug Indicates if the combo is lean, rich, or optimal


Key Ideas

-Individuals in a System are not responsible for the outcome or status quo

-Patterns and Underlying Culture determine structures and systems

-Systemic Problems arise from the underlying culture

Feb 23 (Day 7)–Chris

-Last Lab

Wheels: Took off exterior of the rim of the wheel

Frame: Sandblasted the joints of the frame

Bottom End: Continued Disassembling

Clutch: Studied functions and assembly of a clutch on computer

Fasteners: Used CAD system to model parts

Top End: Continue cleaning parts; prepared head for sandblasting


-No load speed: 1200 RPM

-Pulley gets tightened and RPM slows down

-Radius of Pulley: 1 Inch

-Linear Relationship between friction force vs RPM (Negative Relationship)

-Torque vs. Speed Curve

-Peak of Power Curve = Half of Max RPM

-Power is lost through heating up the string

-String is applying friction to the rotating wheel


-Hill Curve

-Force vs. Velocity

-Bicycle Example: Applies to Transmission

-Optimal Velocity

-Power Curve: Force x Velocity


-Brake Components

-Tightening Bolt: Puts friction on the rotating bar

-It resists it tendency to turn

-It slows down the rotating shaft

-Power slowly decreases as force and velocity decrease causing the bike to stop


-Power up a hill

-Power= mgv

-PE= mgh


Grading for the Course

-Precept Participation

-Commenting in Class

-Adding to Discussion


-Shop Class: Master of what you do in shop

-Function on your own

-Develop of shop skills

-Problem Solving Abilities in Shop


-Final Presentation: 60%


SCAS: Chapter 3

Motorcycle References:

-Valve Train: Chain, Sprocket, Cam:

-Used with more than one piston

-Controls which valve is in use

-More compression

-Alternative to push rod

-Valve Covers: Simply put, a part of the engine that covers the valves

-Kick Starter: Used as ignition system of motorcycle

-Oil Hand Pump:

-Manual Oil Distribution System

-Cast Iron: Holds oil well

-Intake Stroke: Stroke of the engine that brings air into the cylinder

-Throttle: Device for controlling power to engine, thus speed

-Choke: Controls the air flow into the carburetor, thus controlling the fuel to air ratio

-Spark Timing:

-Spark Advance

-Faster the rotor spins: The more the spark would advance

-If to fast: Can reverse the engine

-Used to be manually adjusted

-Determines when the spark is set

-Foot Peg: Peg where rider puts feet while riding

-Exhaust Stroke: Final stroke of an engine in which burned fuel (H20 + CO2) is released

-Dipstick: Measure amount oil that’s in the oil tank


SCAS Chapter 3 Discussion: (Key Points)


-In effort to make people more independent from technology (automating processes) people become more dependent: Freedom from necessity of fixing and problem solving.


-Lack of Freedom

-Inability to fix or understand the technology we have

-We are dependent on others to fix technology for us

-In an effort to make it more user friendly, we are no longer able to fix

-Can’t do anything if technology breaks down


-Two Types of viewing technology

-Classical: Fix your own technology, you can control your technology

-Romantically: Technology has control over you

-Represent two different types of approaching technology

-Everyone is a mix of both


-Desire for individuality

-Customization of technology

-People want to feel like they are part of the process

-Enjoy the process more than the product

-Takes away problem solving ability

-Limited to predetermined process


Assignment: Read Chapter 7 and 8 of Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Feb 18th (Day 6) – Micah

Last time:

Electric: practiced soldering, disassembled head light system, went online to practice circuit building, used program by Falstad (circuit simulator applet)

Wheels: started disassembling front wheel, took out spindle and bearings, took apart the break assembly, cleaned grease off parts, used locking adjustable wrench to get various bolts out, got the tire and inner tube off!

Frame: prepared pieces for sandblaster—it blasts sand, works similarly to carburetor, uses compressed air with tube going into fine grain sand, as air goes over tube comes up tube, and the sand is sprayed at high velocity, cleans surface of whatever it hits (paint, for example). Caution! It can damage anything with a threading, so tape those over.

Fasteners: measured the coordinates of engine covers to be able to make gasket

Clutch: used three jaw chuck with socket wrench (with extension)

Bottom end: worked with Clutch crew, when they got to bottom end saw quadrant plate, learned how it switches the gears, took apart engine!

Fork: used special spanner wrench to fit perfectly around prong of fork, stuck needles into hole so it would come undone

Top end: cleaned parts

Quartermaster: identified missing pieces to order



Chapter 5:

Motorcycle References:

  • Changing oil, lubricating roller chain (so that it moves more smoothly)
  • “Shim those out”—shim is a piece of material, in this case it would keep the handlebars from moving too much, piece of metal you wrap around to make diameter longer so that when you clamp it’ll hold more firmly
  • Aluminum—doesn’t oxidize in wet weather, always has a thin layer of oxide that prevents further oxidation
  • Valve clatter: noise of the valve opening and closing, if valves are sloppy/have a lot of play, it gets very noisy


  • Narrator has a dream about Phaedrus calling Chris, and it’s after Chris’ fit so he’s afraid that Chris is turning into Phaedrus because of his mental illness, and the narrator was Phaedrus before his shock therapy
  • Kindness—doesn’t want Chris to keep seeing a counselor, acknowledges idea that everyone now is supposed to be kind (which is just a fake attitude) but what can people know about kindness if they’re not kin?

Chapter 6:

Motorcycle References:

  • “Thread’s stripped in the chain adjustment”—tried to adjust it, forgot to loosen up nuts beforehand, that stripped the chain adjustment
  • Set of groupings:
  • Introduces idea of knife—different ways of breaking down an object into pieces. So he lays out all the parts of a motorcycle, and discusses how you can group them.
  • Classical vs Romantic understanding
  • Classic—creative, many ways to divide up understanding of world/motorcycle, looking at underlying form itself
  • Romantic—sees primarily in terms of immediate appearance
  • Different ways of seeing things as beautiful—aesthetically beautiful, or functionally beautiful


  • NOx, different oxides of Nitrogen that show up, making point that there is a problem with emissions because in addition to oxygen in chamber there is also nitrogen, explosion then gives byproducts such as carbon monoxide, NO, unburned hydrocarbons
  • By looking at oxygen in exhaust, you can see how effective your engine is, goal is to be at gray line on page 6 of combustions sheet
  • Need the proper air-fuel ratio!


  • Power is force x velocity
  • Horse power is how much power a horse has available
  • 1 horse power is 746 watts


Read chapter 3 of SCAS

Feb 16th (Day 5) – Jamie

Focus this week: COMBUSTION


In Lab Last Time

Forks: Used the parts cleaner to remove the grease from the forks. Unscrewed collars of the fork: tried a strap wrench, then Al used a machine to make the proper tool using the shape of the collar

Wheels: took off speedometer, unscrewed bolts, took out the wheel barings with a hammer, tried to press down in the valve to release the air, then removed whole value

Clutch: worked to get off the cover off of the timing side in the bottom part of the engine. Used manual impact wrench

Fasteners: measuring the engine cover to make a gasket, wasn’t successful

Bottom End: removing casing on the timing side with the clutch team, drained oil still inside the engine (there are 3 oil chambers – oil reserve tank (reservoir), center chamber where the transition is – lubricates parts, reservoir on the clutch side – lubricates and cools clutch parts)

Top End: separated head of the engine from the bottom, took off top of the piston, took apart rocker assembly, valves removed

Electrical: figured out how bullet connection works

Frame: took off little parts of frame, tried to use arbor press to push out the swing arm pin, but it was in too tightly. Used hydraulic press to push it out


#1 priority for this time: we want to get the black parts ready to be powder coated.


Chapter 2 in Shop Class as Soulcraft

No motorcycle references

Ale K: Making what used to be craftsmanship into work that requires less skill. This is what has made manual labor less valued – people don’t think about craftsmanship.

Ellie: Low labor cost is valued. Takes away from craftsmanship, too.

Diego: There are jobs that are hard to replace with machinery, but we’re on that trajectory

Prof. Littman: Governments and corporations attempt to mechanize work: increase volume and decrease cost

Ale K: More trade-based training in prisons? Standardized testing doesn’t allow for considerations of individual difference

Diego: Introducing human variables has economic risks

Izzy: Once you start moving from humans to machines, where do you stop?

Prof. Littman: Interesting discussions here about expert systems. You clearly don’t want to have people replaced entirely. What happens when computers make all the decisions in our lives?

Jamie: This is like Zen – fear of technology and its future.

Izzy: I agree. It’s not a really realistic view but it’s healthy to have a sense of apprehension.

Prof. Littman: p. 51 – creativity is the byproduct of mastery of the basics

Preston: Do you think we will always need skilled laborers, Prof. Littman?

Prof. Littman: From a consumer POV, we probably don’t. We just replace things instead of fixing them. But we have to pass down knowledge to the next generation.

Triumph Tiger Cub Engine Calculations

Prof. Littman demoed the ping-pong rocket!

–                Vessel filled with water and a bit of acid

–                If you hook a battery to water, the positive electrode will attract OH and the negative one will attract the protons

–                Columns filled with H and O, lit spark (increased pressure), ping-pong ball flew


Grace: Gasoline reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor

Prof. Littman: CC = cubic centimeters, our engine is 200 cc or 1/5 liter. This is a square engine- roughly 6 x 6 x 6

Diego: energy released is based on air-fuel mixture. Proportion of fuel to air can give you different powers

Parker: Air-fuel ratio is 15

Prof. Littman: It’s done by weight. A gram of fuel is 44K Joules. That’s a lot! (Boxer’s punch is 4J.) Take that fuel, react it with air, and the horsepower of the engine that is released is 50 J if none is wasted.

Parker: When you combust the fuel it heats up the engine block and you lose some energy.

Prof. Littman: Also, hot gas comes out of the engine. 1/3 of what’s available is what you get. If you run the engine faster, you get more horsepower (more explosions for time). THE most important thing about engines: the amount of oxygen. Engine breathing: take a gulp of air, react all of the air is the best you can do. If you want more energy per explosion, add more air.

Chris: You could pressurize the air or use a different fuel with higher Joules/gram.

Diego: Or a bigger engine.

Prof. Littman: Nitromethane fuel has oxygen in it.

We looked at model of Model T engine.


For Next Time: Article about combustion chemistry posted on library site, Chapters 5 and 6 of ZAMM