Report on Shop Class Last week:
- Electrical team : Worked on the kick starter and worked with the sparkplug – testing it by grounding the plug to the engine case.
- Forks : Organized, catalogued and cleaned all parts. Ordered parts to be replaced like bushing, which was damaged previously. Sandblasted parts for other groups.
- Wheels : Continued to clean spokes. Sandblasted parts of the frame. Additionally, Prof. Littman mentioned that a new hub has arrived for this week.
- Clutch &Transmission : Counted the number of teeth. Looked at how to line up the teeth and gears.
- Top end : Cleaned parts using the parts cleaner. Put both valves back in using C Clamp and noted how it has 2 springs.
- Bottom End : Cleaned the engine casing.
- Fasteners : Used the laser cutter to cut out gaskets.
- Frame : Cleaned engine covers, buffed and polished using Scotch Bright pad.
The Clutch:
- 3 or 4 pairs of plates inside.
- There are a lot of pairs opposed to just one so as to increase the for two reasons: to increase the friction and to make it easy to disengage the clutch.
- Demonstration of the difference in friction of the number of layers – Measuring the force required to drag a block across a wooden surface. Repeated this with the block now between two wooden surfaces. The force required to drag the block increased.
- Easier to disengage lots of smaller forces than one large force on one plate.
- If the clutch is not strong enough the engine will not turn over as the clutch will slip. Solution is to tighten the springs to make the clutch firmer.
There would be no reading for Thursday as Professor Martinelli, an expert in fluid design, will come and speak to us. This left us to prepare for his visit.
We looked at an F1 car and how its design affects its performance. The importance of a spoiler for creating downforce on the rear wheels allowing it to have enough traction so that the power is used efficiently.
We prepared several questions for Professor Martinelli to ask him upon his visit:
- What is fluid mechanics?
- How does knowledge of fluid mechanics impact the performance of a motorcycle?
- How do commercial and military planes differ in their aerodynamics?
- Tell us about your career?
- Why are Boeing trying to improve? Why do they need advice?
- What is changing in fluid design technology?
- Are bicycle sized airplanes possible?
- What is the difference between Boeing and its competitors?
- How does back pressure effect engine performance?
- What is his favorite thing about fluids?
- How did he get introduced to fluid mechanics?
- How does fluid mechanics vary from air to water?