First day back from Spring Break!
- Discussion Part 3 (Rayyan)
- They climb mountain; Chris has resentment towards his father
- Gets spooked because he hears rockslides, feels like something bad will happen so they decide to climb other peak next time
- Quality is the dao. Phaedrus started reading the dao, and it is exactly what he was trying to explain in quality.
- Poncaire: chaos theory, getting away from absolutes
- End of absolutes (beginning of 20th century), no more absolutes (time, space, substance, magnitude, etc.) is relativity (time dilation, length contraction, antimatter, quantum mechanics)
- Go back to Bozeman for a night for rest
- Different font so Phaedrus is re-taking over the mind and this worries the narrator
- Heads for California
- Quality is something inherent in every single philosophy and this was not considered before, like the Buddha
- 3 diff ways of getting stuck: gumption traps (like grit that helps you persevere thru challenges, can rise and fall) (parts failure, intermittent failure), setbacks (ego traps, value trap, etc), hang-ups
- Monkey trap: monkey puts hand thru hole to grab rice but then gets stuck
- Dream with the glass door: he has a dream where he’s behind the glass door and wife and Chris are on the other side, Chris trying to ask him to open door but he wont
- Miu: everything can be answered by yes/no question (Japanese concept)
- Miu if you cant answer w yes or no, then you answer miu because you need to ask a better question
- Most important part is the traps!! Learn to just stick with it
- If things not going well, chill
- Most mistakes happen when you’re working on something too long
- Discussion Part 4 (Leslie)
- Opens w the dream again but more specific and figure in shadows doesn’t let him open the door, wakes up and sees he’s strangling Chris, dreamer is Phaedrus
- Phaedrus gaining more control
- Wants to hospitalize himself
- More flashbacks about endpart of phaedrus’ journey before insanity
- Phaedrus interested in Greek philosophers, had a fight w the director of the program at UChicago
- Logically concluded that he was approaching insanity
- Dualism: Phaedrus used rhetoric, Director used logic
- Reference about art and quality
- Quality is goal of art
- Realizes Chris misses Phaedrus
- Chris Thinks narrator is different
- Narrator sees mentally problematic habits in Chris
- Phaedrus takes over in last conversation w Chris
- Nice resolution
- Chris asks, “are you insane?”
- Rid binaries and united these 2 things
- Told Chris he’s similar to Phaedrus
- Weary at first but Phaedrus does things not really sane but realizes that Phaedrus isnt really insane
- Chris trying to impress father, push world away
- Better that Chris found a sol’n before finding out the way Phaedrus found out
- General comments and reviews about the book:
- Owen: not what i expected it to be, thought it would be about getting down to basics and slowness, but actually was about a guy who was insane
- Jack: story was very good, bogged down a bit because philosophy is heavy
- Sarah: interesting take from motorcycle perspective
- Prof: very good
- Shop Class as Soulcraft
- Value of labor
- A bit preachy
- What one gets out of working on a motorcycle
- When one is being diagnostic, you ask, “what does it need”
- Asking questions is a higher level of intellectual activity than just providing answers
- Talking about the Clutch of our motorcycle
- Bolt and nut loose which is why didn’t work before
- If you release, everything slips so you don’t hurt yourself nor motorcycle
- When slips, bottom chain tight and top chain loose
- 100 pounds in bottom chain
- 10 pounds, 1 foot
- coeff of friction rubber, asphalt = 1
- coeff of friction steel, steel = 0.2
- 200 foot-pounds to move a bike, exerting more wont really help you
- 20:1 gear ratio, so you only need 10 foot-pounds on smaller sprocket
- To slip at higher torque, either stiffer spring or more friction plates
- If you stiffen springs, handle stiffer so harder to operate too
- Slips at lower torque: easier to use clutch release, easier to kickstart, but you don’t want it to release when you need power, but you wanna make sure it does release at a certain torque
- This shows braking of the engine
- Clutch helps you disconnect gear from motor so you can shift gears