Last Class Lab Recap
- Top and Bottom End: continued to dismantle the engine by removing the engine covers
- John explained how the gear shifts work, and we thus figured out the gear rations through calculating the number of turns on the crankshaft that completed one turn on the rotor for each gear
- after conversions, our motorcycle is extra close, which means it is designed for racing
- 1st gear is a low gear made for moving, and 2nd gear onwards allows for high speeds
- after conversions, our motorcycle is extra close, which means it is designed for racing
- pulled head off and saw the movement of the piston
- the oil chamber on the clutch side was full of grit making the oil look black, representing a new problem in the cycle
- John explained how the gear shifts work, and we thus figured out the gear rations through calculating the number of turns on the crankshaft that completed one turn on the rotor for each gear
- Electrical/Wheels- checked for rims that would fit the ’60 cub, discovering that we need the 19in and 18in wheels
- also checked to see which spokes that we had to see if it matched with the hub
- hubs have two flanges: since the hubs are not symmetrical, so the spokes come out of different angles
- had to figure out the handedness of the rim, and whether they were the right rims
- Detailing- took off headlights, gas, and oil tanks to ultimately take down to shop and paint today
- Frame- sandblasted the hubs, but sandblasting left the hubs rough, so now need to figure out how to make the hubs smooth
- options: bondo or send it out for powder coating
Reading Discussion
- Discussion leader: Marina
- Chapter 5 Summary: they stopped for breakfast, talked about John’s handbrake issues, go camping and discover that Chris has mental health problems
- p. 52- checks engine temperature, and it has a normal valve clatter
- p. 53- John’s handlebars start flipping because it is too loose, so they were going to use a shim (a flat strip of metal)
- collars were pinched shut, yet it was still not tight enough
- beer cans work as good shims because they are a generally stable soft material
- Chapter 6 summary: on the road trip, it is extremely hot, and narrator introduces Phaedrus and the classical vs romantic philosophy debate
- p. 68- thread stripped in chain adjustment, but can adjust chain by sliding
- to tighten or loosen chain, loosen the axle nut to use the chain adjuster to adjust the wheel back and forth: this stretches the chain
- if threading is messed up and there is no adjuster, can whack with a hammer on both sides of the rod
- p. 73- explanation about the different parts of a motorcycle
- rectifier- fixes the way the current goes–> converts AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current)
- flywheel- wheel connected to the connecting rod–> stores rotational energy
- distributor (aka points system in a single cylinder vehicle)- rotating sets of contacts that distributes the sparks from one cylinder to another
- relative timing of the spark affects engine performance
- retarded- late
- advanced- afterwards
- relative timing of the spark affects engine performance
- p. 68- thread stripped in chain adjustment, but can adjust chain by sliding
- Chapter 7 Summary- learn more about Phaedrus: the group enters a town, and the narrator recants his hospitalization and electric shock therapy, and Phaedrus represents the previous life of the narrator (ghost)
- Idea of differences between Romantics and Classicists
- Romantics- trying to understand the whole system- artistic view
- Classicists- focus on science and understanding more about the individual parts
- Idea of differences between Romantics and Classicists
Reading for Next Week: Tuesday: Chapters 8-10, Thursday: 11-13