General Notes-
- Groups decided, posted on website
- Discussion leader – Jack
Reading Discussion-
- Choke cuts off the air supply from the carburetor, so it runs rich drawing raw gasoline as opposed to gas vapor. Good for when it’s cold but can flood gas tank if it’s too warm (solution to flooded gas tank is pull plus out and air-dry tank).
- Gas tank feeds float chamber and the pressure difference between the chamber and the carburetor draws the gasoline into the carburetor. When the level of gas falls in the float chamber, the float lowers allowing more gasoline to enter.
- Four stroke engine (the flywheel stores rotational energy form the explosion of force).
- Engine knocks are from autoignition.
- The stop cock connects the tank and the float chamber.
- Missing is when the pops are missed (comes from the carburetor being starved of fuel).
- When the piston and the valve heat rapidly the piston expands more than the valve causing the engine to seize.
- Tappets connect the cam and the pushrod.
- Point type ignition system: every time the points open it creates a spark of high heat, while the spark in the spark plug is high voltage.
- Running in: when you put in a new piston and need to wear the piston in.
- John and Sylvia fear of technology vs. narrator’s belief in engagement in things you own/fix
- What is best?