Fabric/Flesh: On Synthetic Flesh, Black Cyborg, and Miyake’s Bodice
Transparent Subjects: Alterations in Iris van Herpen
“Please, Feel Free to Remove the Bag From My Head.”
A Destabilizing Force: Understanding the Aesthetic and Functional Plenitude of Footwear through Tatehana, Bernini, and Sexton
“A strange tissue of space and time”: in search of aura’s logic
The Oyster Dress Reimagined to be a Cyborg
Tainted or Faded: The Unfurling of the Oyster Dress
The Red Shoes: Frameworks that Form Our Identity
A Profane Death in Kawakubo’s Ensemble
The Asian, Exotic, and Powerful in Alexander McQueen’s “Chinese Garden”
Madeleine’s Robe: Between Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) and Goyo’s Woman Dressing