57 Tiger Cub Motorcycle

FRS 106, Michael Littman – Spring 2015

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Professor Ju Q&A Session

Professor Ju

–        Research Area: Transportation and Nanoparticles

–        Hypersonics generates enormous heating of the aircraft since the ignition temp is very high

o    Necessitates different cooling for the engine stability

Questions for Professor Ju

What is an ideal fuel for the engine?

–        depends on the engine.

–        For ground transportation, you don’t want a fuel that gets ignited too fast. You can’t have fuel that has more than 50% ethanol due to corrosion (lubrication issue).

–        Aromatic fuel (benzene) is very lubricating.

–        For aircraft, there is a lot of aromatic fuel due to the fact that aircraft engines go at a higher rotation

Hybrid Cars?

–        The batter is super expensive

–        Electric cars are heavily subsidized at the moment, so actual costs of these batteries are a lot more expensive.

–        Hybrid will have a good future before electric cars.

o    Gasoline has 50x higher power to weight compared to the latest lithium batteries

o    Lithium batteries have an inherent limit.

o    But Lithium Flouride batteries have a better future than current ones.

Diesel Engines vs Gasoline Engines?

–        European : 50% diesel engine

–        U.S. : 90% gasoline engine

–        In terms of efficiency, diesel engines are 30% more efficient than gasoline engines.

o    Diesel engines does not have a knocking process—we can ramp up the compression ratio much higher than gasoline

o    Because of the high pressure, the engines are heavier though.

o    Also, diesel engines have more emissions (NOx); thus, Japanese carmakers have steered away from the diesel engines.

  •   Diesel engines have higher emission due to higher ignition temperature à more NOx.

o    In Europe, diesel engines are very popular.

–        With electric cars coming in, diesel engines might face tougher competition.


–        the temperature of the exhaust coming from the exhaust pipes are very low

o    Thus, it is very difficult to use this energy

–        Another idea is to use the heat radiating from the engine into electrical energy.


–        trying to combine the merits of diesel engines and the gasoline engines

o    higher compression with lower emissions

–        Premix vs Diffusion

o    Candle flame is a diffusion; they mix as they burn

o    Premix -> oxygen and fuel are “premixed” before you burn

o    Diesel is diffusion and gasoline is premixed

–        Instead of using a spark plug, you ignite it by compression with a very low premixed fuel

o    Temperature is very low

o    But controlling the ignition is hard

–        HCCI concept has been around for 30 years but perfecting is hard

–        Diesel cannot be fully premixed

o    If it is premixed then as soon as compression happens, it will ignite.

Gas Turbines

–        ground turbine has duel design—one from the gas turbine and the other from steam turbine

–        Most efficient gas turbine

o    Supercritical steam turbine: the efficiency can be up to 40%

o    Gas combined with this supercritical steam turbine: 62%

–        Professor Ju thinks natural gas will stay due to the fact that the efficiency is so high.


–        Octane number: indicator of how good the fuel is in anti-knocking

o    Lead is very cheap that increases the octane number

o    Now they use aromatics: Toulene

  •   They are expensive and they produce emissions as well
  •   So refineries don’t really want to add aromatics
  •   They add ethanol now for most part of it.

Valve Overlap

–        when the intake valve and exhaust valve is open at the same time.

–        What determines how much overlap you have? Why do you even have it at all?

o    Because when the exhaust valve is open, the exhaust gas coming out still has inertia and creates a vacuum of sorts, which helps to intake the gas.

–        In a high performance engine, you would see more overlap.

Geometry of the pistons

–        depends on the cam shaft

What’s the future?

–        With gas so cheap, he doesn’t think that the gasoline and diesel engine will go away

–        Hybrid engines will continue to increase.

–        Hydrogen has very low energy density

o    To do the compression, you waste a lot of energy.