Connecting the Planet – Cables and Satellites, 2004


Connecting the Planet – Communications by Cables and Satellites


World map shows major fiber-optic submarine cables in service as of 2004 by capacity of gigabites per second.

Countries are colored according to the estimate number of telephone lines and cellular subscribers per 1,000 people as follows:

  • Red: More than 1,000
  • Orange: 501-1,000
  • Amber: 251-500
  • Metallic Gold: 100-250
  • Beige: Less than 100

Second map indicates satellites’ simultaneous call capacity as follows:

  • Violet: Greater then 54,000
  • Red: 36,001-54,000
  • Orange: 22,500-36,000
  • Beige: Less than 22,500

See Wikipedia List of Colors


National Geographic Atlas of the World, Eigth Edition. Published by the National Geographic Society. Prepared by National Geographic Maps for The Book Division, 2005.


© 2005 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.


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