Summer in Sri Lanka

I finished my internship at the end of July, but the eight and a half weeks that I spent in Sri Lanka were truly eye opening. Sri Lanka and I have always had a dynamic relationship, the humidity and mosquitoes always make me feel uninvited, but my family, the culture, and the food always make me want to come back. On top of all that, this year I also had the chance to tutor Ayesha, a girl at the orphanage in my grandparents’ town. This truly helped in shaping my summer experience.

Sri Lanka is going through its own identity crisis, where ethnicity and religion are being questioned in loyalty to the country. It’s its own case study, but it had relevancy in my life and made the summer different than most other summers. My own identity crisis was not the same as what the country was going through, but I was struggling to find legitimacy in my own identity when my American accent shaped the way I was seen as a “real” Sri Lankan. However, being able to tutor Ayesha in English and Ayesha in turn teaching me more Sinhala helped create a bond between us. It also showed her that she wasn’t just a student, she also had skills that she was able to teach to others. It was a powerful summer, and even though she is still learning the basics of English, I am proud to know that in the two months that I was there, she improved in her skills and helped me in mine.

Being in Sri Lanka did show me a few negatives about myself, mostly about how lenient I can get. In order to really teach kids I have to be more strict with lessons. I have to learn how to pay more attention to the tutoring aspect, and not just in creating a positive environment. However, it showed me that tutoring and service work are two things I want to continue doing.


Not all the girls at the orphanage are pictured in the group photo and Ayesha is pictured in the solo photo.

Date posted: August 23, 2019 | | Comments Off on Summer in Sri Lanka | Uncategorized

A Day in the Life of an English tutor

By Tamica Perera

For the past seven weeks I have been in Marawila, Sri Lanka. It is a small town about two hours away from the capital and it houses the Holy Cross Children’s Home. The Children’s Home is an orphanage where twenty seven girls live. Of these girls is Ayesha, an 11 year old girl who recently started school.

Because of her previous inaccessible to school, she is being pushed to change grade levels every semester. She is currently in the second grade but is struggling in English. We typically either use the attached book or we do simple oral tasks.

Ayesha is now familiar with the alphabet and is able to spell a few words! She is persist in learning and enjoys the lessons.

In my free time I spend time with my family and take my own lessons in Sinhala, the main language spoken in Sri Lanka.

All the images of Ayesha are uploaded with permission from her and the head nun.

Date posted: July 27, 2019 | | Comments Off on A Day in the Life of an English tutor | Uncategorized