There is no perfect way to neatly package the grim realities of a generational slave narrative. However, StoryMaps proved to be the best way for me to present the main contours of Alex Haley’s historical fiction novel, Roots. I first read the novel in 6th grade and watched the miniseries not too long afterwards. While I never had any misconceptions about the realities of being a descendent of slaves, Roots was my first exposure to an uncover-able family history that can connect back to Africa. As it was my first stepping stone into Diasporic Consciousness, I felt it appropriate to make it the focus of this assignment. My presentation is an overview of the physical movement forced upon the narrative’s characters and a brief revisiting of their life experiences. I was seeking a platform that would display a path from one place to another and simultaneously provide a format for storytelling and visual aid. I found that StoryMaps allowed this; smoothly transitioning from continent to continent, carrying along the story arc along the way. The format allows the viewer to see a “bird’s eye view” of the transport as well, an easy way to visualize the plot arcs. The text accompanying the markers allows for a personal touch, necessary for such a sensitive subject matter, lest the presentation verge on the dry and clinical. I speak more about why I chose to feature Haley’s novel, and the television miniseries that it inspired in my StoryMaps presentation. Check it out!