For this project, I utilized TimeMapper to track the different horrendous killings of Black people in the United States that fueled the Black Lives Matter movement,  which occurred due to the combination of white supremacy and police brutality. Particularly, from the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012 to the killing of Philando Castile in 2016, this digital tool allowed me to create both a timeline and a map tracker of these discriminatory incidents. While the timeline illustrates the closeness in time of each of these shootings, the map positions police brutality and white supremacy as national issues. Furthermore, through the provision of summaries, this tool also allowed me to give more insight into the unfolding of each of these incidents. Specifically, in all of these summaries, I noted five significant aspects: date, location, victim’s name, the fate of the killer, and whether protests followed. Lastly, the tool allowed to post pictures and portraits of the fallen.