I decided to use a Google Map (https://goo.gl/maps/m8MZoQdrJQn) to display the origins of all the attendees of the Second Pan-African Congress, which was held in London in 1921. I chose the Second Pan-African Congress over the ones that preceded it in 1900 and 1919 because to me, it demonstrated the largest moment yet of diasporic consciousness-making because it hosted what W.E.B Du Bois classified as “26 different groups of people of Negro descent.” In addition to the nearly all-encompassing nature of the conference in terms of hearing the voices of black peoples from different locales and different positions of statehood (i.e. still under imperial power, states, etc.), this pan-African congress also hosted several non-black, colored representatives from India, the Philippines, and Annam, representing the inception of a larger color consciousness. Thus, I felt that the Google Map and the breadth of origin it demonstrates was adequate in capturing the novelty and incredible impact the Second Pan-African Congress had.