I chose to use Google MyMaps as a the digital tool to represent that fortification of Black diasporic consciousness that occurred after the murder of civil rights activist Marielle Franco. Her death sparked hundred of protests in urban centers all of the world, and this digital tool allowed me to showcase just how much impact this events had on activists globally. Though I did not mention every single location, I tried to highlight places where I could find the most information on the protests, like in New York, Paris, and London. I think this tool helps to give a good visual as to what locations are engaging in what diasporic process. In this case, it was political mobilizing around the unjust killing of a political leader. I thought the ability to change the kind of stickers that marked the locations was also useful because it helped me to create some sort of legend, allowing the viewer to see the different kind of actions taking place. For example,  the green star stickers represented all of the protests, while the magenta heart stickers represented more academic/artistic events held in her honor. I also liked this tool because it was very good at drawing connections between places. For example, I was able to use a line to connect Nairobi, Kenya to the Museu da Maré in Rio de Janeiro as a way to make clear the literal connection between activists in Nairobi who transported physical work to this museum in the favela that Marielle Franco was raised in.