Affordable Drugs 1999-2002


Affordable Drugs


The “Worldmapper” map on this page shows where people with access to essential and affordable medicines live. The area of each country is drawn in proportion to the number of people living in that country that have access to affordable essential drugs. Neither the country’s population or area is taken into account, and therefore the map is of dubious utility. (For example, Canada and Australia have populations in which 98 percent of people have access to affordable essential drugs, yet they are shown smaller than their actual size because they have small total population sizes. In contrast, India, a country in which only 25 percent of people have access to affordable essential drugs, is shown larger than its actual size because it has a very large total population.) This map can be better understood when compared to the world map below, which shows country size in proportion to population.

World Population Map, 2002 []

The Affordable Drugs map is accompanied by two tables showing the ten territories with the largest populations in which 95-100% of people have access to affordable drugs, and the ten countries with the largest populations in which 0-49% of people have access to affordable drugs. There is also a bar graph showing the percentage of the population of various regions with sustainable access to affordable drugs.

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© Copyright 2006 SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)

Used on QED by permission.


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