Richest Tenth, 2004


Richest Tenth


This “Worldmapper” map shows disparities in the total earnings of the richest tenth of the population in different countries. Territory size shows the earnings of the richest tenth of the population living in a country as a proportion of the earnings of the richest tenth living in all countries. The United States, China, and India are shown largest on the map because their richest tenths have the greatest total earnings. The country sizes represent total earnings by the richest tenth, not earnings per rich person, in which Luxembourg, the United States, and Ireland lead. There are great disparities across countries in the earnings of the richest tenth–the richest tenth in Luxembourg earn nearly 100 times more than the richest tenth in the United Republic of Tanzania.

The map is accompanied by two tables that show ranked lists of the ten countries with the highest and lowest earnings of the richest tenth per rich person. There is also a bar graph that shows the average annual earnings per rich person in PPP US$ by region.

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