Fresh Water Stress from 1995 to 2025


Fresh Water Stress from 1995 to 2025


These two maps contrast recent (1995) and projected (2025) rates of freshwater withdrawal as a percentage of total available freshwater. The projections are based on population growth assuming unchanged rates of water consumption. The text accompanying the maps does not make clear how future levels of availability are computed, or how regional variations in the per-capita rate of water consumption are dealt with. (See also [1])



United Nations Environment Programme / GRID-Arendal[2]

Cartographer/Designer: Philippe Rekacewicz, UNEP/GRID-Arendal

Primary Source:

  • Global Environment Outlook 2000 (GEO)
  • UNEP
  • Earthscan, London 1999


© 2006 UNEP / GRID-Arendal


Used with permission.

For use constraints, see [3].


This map is one in a series For a listing with flyovers, see Series:UNEP / GRID-Arendal.