Source: Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images
With the concurrent rise of racial tensions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, much of public attention has focused on how structural racism negatively affects the health of non-White Americans, especially African-Americans. While much of this attention has been focused on patient outcomes and disparities, very little discussion has revolved around how BIPOC hospital staff are treated in their professional lives nor the ways in which the hospital itself can function as a racist institution by making it difficult for minority healthcare workers to care for their patients efficiently. Why is the medical hierarchy representative of the systems of disenfranchisement in our society? By taking a macroscopic approach to the pervasive issue of workplace bias within the medical field and then zooming in to the lived experiences of Anne, a nurse at the frontlines, we seek to illuminate this problem. Through Anne’s story, we reveal how the hospital enacts structural violence upon its workers of color and show that addressing systematic inequalities requires more than just magic bullet solutions. It necessitates the use of both vertical and horizontal interventions. Through a podcast platform, we hope to explore the history of risk healthcare workers of color have faced using a biosocial approach to better understand the psychologies of care providers and their lived inequities. By discussing the largely ignored issue of workplace discrimination and presenting Anne’s story, we invite future global health professionals to go beyond calls for diversity to address this understudied topic. As we work toward a more equitable future, we hope all listeners will be mindful of the hidden healthcare voices that are often overlooked.
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Hidden Healthcare Voices Podcast Team

From left to right: Chino Eke, Jesse Brewer, Grace Simmons, Mayowa Oke
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