Experiential education, in which students actively engage with work beyond the classroom, has
been increasingly emphasized in both primary and higher education and hailed as an approach
which can lead to more profound academic learning, greater critical and interdisciplinary thinking,
and ability to apply knowledge in complex real-world situations. How can we best realize this
potential for enhanced learning? This cohort will meet over Monday dinners to consider the
fundamental epistemological questions surrounding the idea of experiential education and learning
through service, like the interactions of learning experiences and practical application through service.
“Oh, the places you’ll go”
By: Rebecca Chelli 10 weeks ago, I began the adventure of a lifetime- yes, I travelled New Jersey. For 40 hours every week, I dedicated my efforts to coordinating with clients of the Legal Services of New Jersey based in Edison, New Jersey. Being a Jersey-girl myself, I began my internship confident that there was […]