别 bié, don’t (do something); other, 别人 other people, or 别的+noun, 别的东西 other…
Category: Oh China Lesson 06
担心 dānxīn
担心 dānxīn, anxious, worried; to worry 担, to carry, to bear (with…
铃声 língshēng
铃声 língshēng, ringtone, the sound of a bell, such as door bell…
录音 lùyīn
录音 lùyīn, to record (sound); sound recording 录: to record; to write…
屋子 wūzi
屋子 wūzi, house, room
没法 fǎ
没法=没有办法, have no way, can’t 没, not, have not 法=办法 bàn, means,…
接 jiē
接 jiē, to pick up (phone calls or a person from airport,…
请 qǐng
请 qǐng, please; to request; to invite, to treat (someone to a…
留 liú
留 liú, to leave (a message, etc.); to stay, to remain, to…
姓名 xìngmíng
姓名 xìngmíng, family name +given name= full name 姓, family name, surname…