McGraw Commons

Online Platform for Course Blogs, Course Websites, and Course Projects

Category: Course Sites (Page 2 of 2)

Music of the Baroque

The website supporting Music 234, Music of the Baroque, houses student writings on a wide variety of topics related to music during the Baroque period, as well as student comments upon those writings.


Structures and the Urban Environment

One of the most classic courses at Princeton University, CEE262, Structures in the Urban Environment (known as “Bridges”) was founded by Professor David Billington (1927-2018) in 1974.  The course argues that the best designed structures (bridges, buildings, and vaults) are a work of art – structural art – the art of the structural engineer.  The course integrates humanities with engineering through studies of cultures, people, and art as reflected in works of structural engineering.


Indigenous Brazil

The poem “TOTEM”, by André Vallias, served as an initial guide to the course. Each student chose one of the names of the indigenous people cited in the poem to research and write about it. The result of this research were contributed to the “TOTEM BLOG”, a collection of texts produced by each of the students about their people, as well as through the tags on the home page.

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