1. Watch (or re-watch) the movie Black Panther (2018) available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Vudu, and YouTube (for rent).
**If you do not have access to one of these sites, please email me**
2. Write a movie review of the film. You review should include the following: a summary of the plot; an analysis of the ways the film engages with the history of the global black freedom struggle (How do the different characters embody competing notions of racial consciousness and/or black internationalism? Does the film have an argument about the importance of global black solidarity? In what ways does Wakanda represent a “Haiti” or “Ethiopia”?–These are just some questions to get you started); and a reflection on the film’s place in contemporary black politics and culture.
3. Post your review to the site by the end of the day on Monday, April 8th. Don’t forget to tag it with the category #4 – Review of Black Panther.
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