59 Tiger Cub Motorcycle

FRS 106, Michael Littman – Spring 2013

April 30, 2013

Reading Assignment:

For Thursday, 5/2: read the concluding sections of Shop Class

What we did in the lab:


Worked on the wheels, got one inner tube in, and cleaned parts of the wheel assembly


By manually spinning the distributor, got a spark from the spark plug

The stator is in the engine

Ready to do wiring harness

Top end:

Helping other groups


Glenn made new tab washer

Almost everything is back on

Bottom End:

Helped out with other groups

Class Discussion on Chapters 23 to 26 of Zen:

Chapter 23:

He had unfinished business

The separation from his family – the glass door – is because of his quest for reason?

Chapter 24:

Is scientific method applicable (does it work?)?

The limitations (can only test things you can think of – infinite number of hypothesis)

A sense of quality leads you forward to the goal, making scientific method a tool

Use intuition, experience, scientific method

When confronted with a stuck screw, the traditional scientific method is useless to tell you what methods can be used and which method is the right one

You can drill it out, penetrating oil (solvent), screw extractor

The analogy: the box cars are the Classic Knowledge, the leading edge of the engine – the dynamic movement of the train – is the Romantic Knowledge, and the rail or the track on which the train travels is Quality

Chapter 25:

There is a conflict with technology because of the misunderstanding of the fact that technology is the fusion of nature and the human spirit

peace of mind produces quality work

Chapter 26:

gumption is like enthusiasm, being at the front of the train of his own awareness

Start a course on gumption – Gumptionology 101

There are two main categories: setbacks (external) and hangups (internal). There are three main types of internal gumption traps: value traps (block affective understanding), truth traps (block cognitive understanding), and muscle traps (block psychomotor behavior).

A mechanic can’t have too big an ego, because there are constantly things you don’t know, instead one needs confidance and enthusiasm

Impatience and boredom are dangerous, they cause one to make mistakes

The Japanese word mu means “no thing”, neither yes nor no, instead it indicates a non-answer that means that you are asking the wrong question

The cycle you are working on is not only the machine itself, but also yourself.