The World According to Al-Sharfi 986-1579


The World According to Al-Sharfi 986-1579


This map illustrates the geographical outline of the world as was conceived by Ali b. Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Sharfi of Sfax.
“Ali ibn Ahmad al Sharfi copied this map from his uncle Muhammad who copied the coast and ports of the Syrian Sea from a seachart (Kunbas) drawn by a Majorcan.”


An Historical Atlas of Islam – Atlas Historique de l’Islam, Second Edition. Edited by Hugh Kennedy, Tuta sub Aegide Pallas 1683,
Brill, Leiden-Boston-Koeln, 2002, page 1.

Cartography by Marc Bel, Peter van der Donck.


© 2002 Koninklijke Brill NV, The Netherlands. All rights reserved.


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