The Chinese Republic with Tibet and Mongolia c. 1935


The Chinese Republic with Tibet and Mongolia – Political, Racial, and Linguistic

Inset: The modern Subdivisions of the Mongol Republic


This color-coded map indicates the various “Races and Languages” coexisting in Asia circa 1935. It also shows the political boundaries of the Chinese Republic and the 28 Provinces.

Legend for “Races and Languages”:

  • Indo-Chinese
    • Chinese (Wu, Fukien, Hac-ka (Hakka), Canton dialects)
    • Thai, Yao, Hsia-min
    • Tibetan-Burmese
    • Lo-lo, Mo-so, Li-su, Kachin
    • Miaso, Man
  • Indo-Aryans
    • Russians, Iranians, Tadjik
    • Indians
    • Dardi, Chitralia, Kafir
    • Aryans spelling Turkish
  • Ural-Altaians
    • Turks
    • Tuwinsk
    • Tungan, Taranchi
    • West and East Mongols
    • Tungus
  • Austronesians
    • Mon, Khmer, Munda
    • Primitive Malays
    • Proto-Malays
    • Propre Malays
    • Japanese, Coreans (sic) and Ryukyu Islanders
    • Ainu, Ghiliak
    • Dravidians
    • Negrito


History and Commercial Atlas of China, Albert Herrmann, Ph.D., Harvard University Press, 1935.

See Huhai Website.

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