Le Monde Vu Des États-Unis


Le Monde Vu Des ɉtats-Unis
(The World as seen from the United States)


Color-coded map shows world alliances and regional (geographic) blocks from US perspective, by country in the late 1990s. It also indicates the main orientations or goals of the American foreign politics in each region, such as free exchange, democratization, economic take-off, oil safety, etc. It additionally describes the regional risks as envisioned by the U.S., such as nuclear proliferation, ethnic conflicts, the islamic factor, disease epidemics, and economic competition.

This is a copyrighted work. Its use on QED is under the “Fair Use” rule.


Atlas Des ɉtats-Unis – Les paradoxes de la puissance. By Philippe Lemarchand, ed Atlande et complexes, Bruxelles, 1997. (p. 90)


© 1997 Philippe Lemarchand