Exiled Within Their Own Country, 1999


Exiled Within Their Own Country, 1999


This map shows the number of people forced to migrate within their own country because of conflict, local problems, and/or disease. The circles are proportional in area to the size of the internal refugee population in each country.

The dark grey circles correspond to those who are assisted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, while the brown circles correspond to displaced peoples for whom the HCR has no mandate. (There are an estimated 20 to 30 million refugees around the world, of whom only about 5.4 million receive help from the HCR.).


Le Monde Diplomatique [1]

Cartographer: Philippe Rekacewicz

Primary Sources:

  • United Nations High Commission for Refugees (HCR)
  • World Refugee Survey 2000, US Committee for Refugees (USCR)
  • World Bank, World Development Report 2000-2001, Washington DC.
  • United Nations High Commission for Refugees HCR
  • US Committee for Refugees (USCR)
  • Global internally displaced persons -IDP- database


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