Ethnographic Chart showing the distribution of the Races of Men, 1891


Ethnographic Chart showing the distribution of the Races of Men


References on the map include:

  • Caucasian: Yellow
  • Mongolian: Light Brown
  • Ethiopian: Purple
  • Malay: Blue
  • American: Pink
  • Australian: Green
  • Caucasian (Mixed): Orange

Place Names: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America


Edwin J. Houston, A. M., The Elements of Physical Geography (Philadelphia, PA: Eldredge & Brother, 1891) 136.

Map Credit: Courtesy The Private Collection of Roy Winkelman.

Courtesy of the
MAPS Technology Clearinghouse of the
Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) at the University of South Florida.


The original map is public domain, but “Maps ETC is copyright © 2007 by the University of South Florida”.
See [2] for the license.