Colonization of the Globe c. 120,000-9,000 BC


Colonization of the Globe c. 120,000-9,000


This map shows the colonization route that originated in Africa and followed several paths through Europe and Asia to end in South America approximately 9,000 BC.

Legend indicates:

  • Maximum extent of ice sheets c. 16,000 BC
  • Land exposed by lower sea level c. 16,000 BC
  • Colonization
  • Area occupied by H. neanderthalensis
  • Area occupied by H. erectus
  • Settlement site
  • Burial site
  • Early art site


Oxford Atlas of World History, Oxford University Press, 2002. General Editor Patrick K. O’Brien.

Chapter 1. The Ancient World: “The Human Revolution: 5 Million Years Ago to 10,000 BC,” page 16.


Map copyright © Philip’s, a division of Octopus Publishing Ltd. Source: Philip’s Atlas of World History.

Used under license from Octopus Publishing Group.


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