The opioid epidemic is one of the most significant public health crises affecting the United States today, with regions of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania like Kensington and Fishtown considered some of the most severe epicenters in the country. Our project aims to combine an ethnographic and epidemiological approach to examine the historical, structural, and social factors that contribute to the ongoing Opioid Crisis in Philadelphia. In this podcast, some questions we aim to address are: How did the opioid crisis begin and develop in the City of Brotherly Love? Who and where does it primarily affect? And what structural factors have contributed to their experiences with opioids and seeking related health resources? We invited guest speakers Clayton Ruley from Prevention Point Philadelphia and Dr. Bon Ku from the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital to speak on their experiences working directly with these health topics in Philadelphia. This project will also touch on the epidemic’s links to other public health crises in the United States, such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the broad social inequities (i.e. segregation, police brutality, and mass incarceration) that contribute to the rise of such syndemics. Finally, the project examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the opioid crisis, and we look towards the future of the opioid epidemic as the field of healthcare rapidly transforms today.
Presented by the WGHP podcast team: Sean Edling, Kayla Memis, & Megan Tang.
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Supplemental figures
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