Inspired by the work of Dr. Bon Ku, Angelo, Grace, and Andrea conceptualized a technology that would address the medical needs of the undocumented community. CareSpot is both an app and website, with added kiosks, that would allow users to locate free and low-cost clinics and vaccination centers in their community or nearby. To better understand the challenges faced by undocumented people in the United States, our team researched the history of being undocumented in the US, the barriers to healthcare that exist, and the current resources available to uplift the health of undocumented people. We also had the pleasure of interviewing two individuals (Paloma Moscardo-Valles and Kayla Moffett), who provided us more insight on the undocumented experience and how folks can access care at the moment. We are incredibly grateful for the help our interviewees, Arbel, and the GHP350 teaching staff provided us in the process of creating this project.
Click on the above image to view our presentation or here.
-(Note from Angelo: I wasn’t ready for the photo!!!)
Angelo Kayser-Browne
Andrea Escoto
Grace Barbara
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