The Post-production section of Gallery 347 is for work that follows from class meetings. Your weekly posts may include lingering questions and ideas or new insights and connections about our readings and discussions. You might also write about our workshop activities: What did you learn? What problems came up and would you do differently? You may include or copy into your post images from our class activities or your work.
These brief posts should be 1-2 paragraphs (250~500 words). They are required for any 10 of our 13 weeks of class meetings and they must be made no later than 2pm on Fridays. They should be tagged under this “Post-production” category (right side of editing page), so that they appear on this page. (If they are not tagged properly, they will not appear!) To earn credit for your brief posts, they must reflect a level of engagement and a make meaningful connection to our course.
Before making your first post, be sure to edit your profile to include your first name so that it appears with your posts instead of your netID. Edit your profile by clicking on your netID at the top right of the frame and filling in the nickname field.