About the Gallery
Gallery 347 is the on-line site where you will display the results of our work in and out of class, including the end of semester Projects. In some cases, we will leave the work in Miro, but in most cases you will post your work here so we have a sequential display of your work. Projects will be posted on the corresponding Culture, Media, Data sections of our course. The Post-production section is where you will post your reflections and extend our discussions by the end of each week – 2pm on Fridays. Finally, a number of the films we screen and discuss are also available here.
Before you post here, please take a moment to add your full name to this site. This way, we will clearly know the posts you author by your name, rather than an obscuring NetID. To add your name, click on your name at the top right of this page and select “Edit My Profile.”
I look forward to our work in seminar and to curating it here at Gallery 347 as the semester unfolds.
As part of our Gallery, we’ll also display our live map here. Click here to see the map on a full web page that you can share.
Of course, you can zoom in to clusters of us to see more discrete detail. And please update your locations as we go along if you are not “really” where you appear on this map. (You can use the link in the reply you received after filling out the form.)
If you experience problems with posting or viewing video on this site, please contact Ben Johnston in the McGraw Center at benj@princeton.edu.