
The first adjustment I wanted to make from the original was making the company in question more apparent. The original had all of the companies the same color, so it was hard to distinguish. I also wanted to add context to the carbon emission values. I discovered the total amount of carbon emissions for the time period. Although these companies are the largest contributors to carbon emissions, they are not the only ones to blame. Their totals are miniscule in comparison to the grand total of the world. The entire world is accountable, not just these companies.

  1. Maya Stepansky says:

    Hi Matthew! I thought your modifications to the Pemex visualization made a lot of sense. I liked the way you made the visualization more accessible by distinguishing the company in question from the other companies by giving it a different color, as well as the way you took into account the total context by showing that most of the carbon emissions are not just through these companies. I also like the way that you practically made a political statement in the process of changing the visualization, because you emphasized the importance of accountability and accuracy in visualizations, and specifically when it comes to carbon emissions. It made me realize how easy it is for these visualizations to focus on one particular thing that results in a misrepresentation of the full picture. This I think that that last contribution had the biggest effect on this visualization because it moved the emphasis of this visualization from Pemex to a general focus on the outrageous amount of carbon emissions that are being released globally. It makes me wonder, if it isn’t these companies that are dominating carbon emissions globally, then what is? Possibly, it would make sense to change the title of the visualization from one that emphasizes Pemex to something else that focuses on the large amount of global carbon emissions being released in the word. If this change is made, it might not even make sense to highlight Pemex anymore—possibly it would make more sense to highlight the Global Total. I am also wondering, was there a specific intention behind changing the bar graph from horizontal to vertical?