
The original visualization shows a target temperature, that is the number of degrees in celsius that the global temperature will rise, with a corresponding emissions budget, a percentage of how much of that budget has been used, a trend line showining how rapidly yearly emissions need to reduce to stay within the target temperature and the number of years to halve emissions. There is a lot of information here. In my opinion, too much information for this one visualization. I think it is straight forward and effectivley communicates that different target temperatures will have very different trajectories for how much we need to curb emissions. But I felt lke the more visual representations, that is the percentage of budget used bar and trend line for yearly emissions, are too small to be as impactful as they could have been. I realize that this visualization was probably made to stand on its own, but I think for our projects ir would be more helpful to break up the components to make them more impactful, and because we have the room to explain and discuss the content I think there is no reason not to.

My Visualizations:

I have taken a piece from the original which is a bar chart that shows the global carbon budget for each target temperature. I think that putting it in a bar chart emphasizes how different these budgets are per target temperature and makes the “budget used” more visible. In the original the small percentage bar that was meant to represent this gets lost and the variation is harder to see. Originally I wanted to also make a second visualization to show a line graph of the trajectory for emissions at each target, but my one semester of math is failing me. The data set has emissions for each year from 2021 to 2100 that they used to produce the trend line. I realize that the solution is probably a simple equation and formula added to a new column, but I do not currently know what it should be. Anyways, to reiterate my main reason for doing this was to show that with or projects we have the space to break down these components and discuss them further so they do not need to be crammed into one visualization.

  1. Anna Durak says:

    Hi Grace!! I really like how you honed in on the specificities in the data. It was really cool to see the original visualization and then what you made it into. I agree with you, your visualization is very comprehensible and easy to follow. The specific data that you included really allows the viewer to focus on the budget solely and therefore gather a very strong “thick” understanding of that particular narrative. While the original one is very informative, I do find myself skimming the information rather than really soaking it in like in your version. When I looked at the original table, I had not realized how much remaining budget each of the target temperature had left. I think that it gets lost in the information but your graph accomplishes the budget really well and consicely, which I feel is really important in coveying the point. It really makes it feel like this is a very attainable goal where as I feel it gets lost in the percentages of the first graph. I think this orginal visualization has a lot of potential for a lot more data visualizations to really break down all of the data.