Reports from last week’s work:
Professor Littman told us:
Glenn pressed in steering column.
We are going to put the motorcycle on the center stand this class and we’ll almost be ready to start putting parts back on the bike
We realized that the rear Wheel has two sides. Joe and Professor Littman had to re-do all of the spokes.
Linked up all of the components to the electrical system
They re-did some of the simulations and everything looked like it was working well
Top End:
Worked on their presenation for the day
Bottom End:
Finished putting the entire bottom end into the engine
They sealed the first half of the covers
They’re ready to put the final touches on the engine
Worked on presentation
Need to get a new clutch cable
Frame, Forks, and Wheels:
Worked on putting the rear wheel together.
We need to compare the overhangs of the wheels for our bike against the overhangs of the wheels for the old bikes
We discussed chapters 16-18 in Zen:
- How do grades affect a student’s work ethic? Are they positive or negative?
- “We’re all here because we learned to play the system” – school is a game that must be mastered
- Even if grades are not conducive to education, it’s a little idealistic to just do away with them all together and expect students to remain motivated
Pr Professors vs. Teachers. Does it mean to be an instructor in college versus an instructor in high school?
- Would students work without grades as motivators?
- A very interesting discussion about Princeton’s policy of grade deflation
- Life is a mountain: is it about the destination or the journey?
- Have we been improving the quality of the motorcycle? Yes. We’re improving the way it will run, we’re adding materials and components that weren’t there before, we’re fixing issues.
For Tuesday (April 23rd): the four next chapters in Zen (chapters 19, 20, 21, and 22)
For Thursdsay (April 25th): the next chapter in Soul Craft