I think its important that they are documenting the deaths of journalists.  Journalists in the war zone can experience a lot of danger and acknowledging their deaths reminds the public.  It also is interesting that most reporting comes from Israel for safety.  I think this directly relates to the disinformation article.  We can say that journalists only have one view of the conflict and also can’t verify the inside personally.  I think this article on disinformation is very informative about certain practices.  Yesterday I attended a meeting with a woman who has degrees in journalism and law and does tech policy work.  She talked about her time at twitter during the insurrection and how the policy was already weak and that with Elon Musk and X he has destroyed policy against disinformation and hate speech.  I also think the traumatic and graphic images that people on a daily basis reshare make people want to not engage with content.  I liked that the article encouraged not having to engage with this media.  Even though I understand why people have the inclination to do it, I don’t think its as productive to the cause as some people think.

On the Racial reckoning the same person at the meeting talked about how she worked to create better policy and the struggle as a person of color to achieve change.  She said she had to come to a point where she realized that no one policy was going to fix racism.  She also had to be ok with the fact that policy is not a fixture and couls be and probably would be changed once she left that space.  She said it is draining at times to be apart of but its worthwhile to do.  She closed by saying its hard to get your foot in the door in these spaces but once you do its easier to walk in.  And instead of closing the door behind you, throw away the key and let others in with you.  I think this was very important and speaks to both the costs and achievements of doing work where marginalized voices can be present through you.

I picked this picture of George Santos.  It was about his final removal from the House of Representatives.  I think its iconic for so many reasons obviously it is a meme.  I think however that it also encapsulates many things addressed in the new yorker article.  It first shows the spectacle that Santos has created in the media and the public. I think it also represents how politicians want to be a spectacle and how out of control the government has gotten.  The article’s sub line was: Washington finally rediscovers how to give a grifting congressman the boot.  In the picture Santos is leaning into this character he has created.  It shows the person he has tried to show all this time.  X has had so many memes and tweets about Santos and I feel like the public interest is there.george-santos