
The Patent Medicine Trade Cards Collection in UCLA Library Digital Collections is made available for interoperable use in research and instruction using the IIIF standard. You can achieve a sequence of observations of your image, and a fluid presentation of an idea or series of thoughts in “Storiiies,” a free online storytelling platform.


First, explore items in the collection by clicking and loading any of the item titles. Select from any of the views (e.g. front and back), and zoom in for close inspection of details

Make Your Own Storiiies

  1. Click the Storiiies link below and complete the form (shown embedded below).
  2. Find the IIIF Manifest URL by opening the information sidebar in the viewer of the card, and scroll down until you see the item manifest link. Copy (don’t click) the link.
  3. type in a provisional title of your Storiiie.
  4. type in your name.
  5. type in your email address.
  6. enter a description and copyright information, which should make reference to your research concept, as well as basic information about the original resource, then click to accept the conditions.
  7. click Edit story to bring up the image and begin viewing.
  8. explore the image first, considering details that interest you, then complete your own story according to the guidelines above by zoom in to the detailed view (e.g. the tip of the flower) you want others to see in the viewing screen on the right, and clicking the + button to add each annotation.
  9. views and captions can be reordered by dragging them up or down.
  10. preview your narrative to see how it is progressing.

when you are finished adding annotations, click Links. Make sure to copy and save in a separate place the link under Bookmark this link to edit your story in future to be able to return to your work. See submission instructions below when you are done.

Storiies editor (alpha)


Last, make this activity social and interactive by sharing your Storiiies narrative:

  1. When you are done with your narrative, click Links in the upper right corner.
  2. From the popup window, choose Copy this and paste the code below to embed in your own website, making sure to select and copy all the code in the window.
  3. In the submission text editor, switch on the HTML editor by clicking the </> symbol below the window (on the right), then paste in your code, and switch back to the regular WYSIWYG editor. You should see your Storiiies narrative appear in the editing field.