
Gilron Tsabkevich
COS, 2021

Justice Dixon
MAE, 2020

Luqman Issah
CBE, 2020

Project Description

Our device was built from a jigsaw that we disassembled. The massage gun has a variable speed trigger that allows you to control the speed of the device. You can also detach and exchange the tips of the massage gun to achieve different types of muscle penetration and massage various muscles properly. Our device is more quiet compared to other more expensive models because we surrounded the motor and gears with an insulator to prevent sound from leaking out of the device. Finally, we used Creo 5.0 to create a smaller, more ergonomic, and aesthetically pleasing casing for the gears and motor of the massage gun.

Technical Background

Everyday, our bodies use the oxygen that we circulate throughout our bloodstream to generate energy through aerobic processes. However, during heavy and strenuous physical exercise, muscle cells require more energy than normal. As a result, muscle cells generate energy through anaerobic process. This can lead to the formation of a metabolic byproduct, lactic acid, in the muscle cells. The accumulation of lactic acid during exercise can bring about a burning sensation in the body and cause muscle soreness. Vigorous physical exercise can also cause microscopic damage to muscles, which can again lead to delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle stiffness. In order to relieve muscle stiffness and accelerate recovery from DOMS, people have been developing massage techniques and devices for centuries. Massage therapies, such as deep tissue massages and the shiatsu massage, usually rely on applying pressure to certain points on the body or layers of muscle and tissues underneath the skin. Massage devices usually rely on vibrations to relax stiff or sore muscles that develop from overly contracted or tense muscles. However, getting a massage can take time and some massage devices are very expensive and bulky. Our project, on the other had, is relatively inexpensive compared to other massage devices. It also effectively relaxes muscle through vibrations and provides pressure to muscles deep underneath the skin like most massage therapies.

Jason Brummitt, “The Role of Massage in Sports Performance and Rehabilitation: Current Evidence and Future Direction”, 2008.

Design Drawings

Fabrication Process

Final Result