
ConTextos is a platform which uses a selection of mapped course readings as pedagogic frame for the independent student to navigate texts holistically in order to understand how genre, function and grammar interact.   

This top-down, function-based instructional tool complements intermediate-advanced instruction. Its aim is to provide learners with an opportunity to explore the content of a broad range of textual samples from different authors, learning how to use them as repositories of strategies to be applied in their own writing.  

1. Browse through the structure (Estructura) of your chosen text to understand how information is presented in different written genres and discover new content.  
2. Explore a broad array of language functions (Funciones) to find out how Spanish can be used creatively to convey a message effectively and grab readers’ attention. 
3. Revise and practice grammar (Gramática) in context with interactive activities, bite sized videos and extra resources. 

Concept, design and development by: 

Gorka Bilbao Terreros Iria González-Becerra Nadia Cervantes Pérez Ben Johnston

With the support and funding of the Princeton Center for Language Study