I read from three texts, my 1977 article on Clarice and the lyrical novel, my book on CL and poststructuralism, and from The Stream of Life, the translation that Elizabeth Lowe and I did many years ago.

Here is the pertinent bibliographical information:

Fitz, Earl E.  “Clarice Lispector and the Lyrical Novel: A Re-Examination of A maca no escuro.”  Luso-Brazilian Review, 14, 2 (Winter 1997): 153-160.  the text I read is from p. 153, if you need that information.

________.  Sexuality and Being in the Poststructuralist Universe of Clarice Lispector: The Differance of Desire.  Austin: The University of Texas Press, 2002.  I read from p. 1.

Lispector, Clarice.  The Stream of Life, with a Forward by Helene Cixous and translated by Elizabeth Lowe and Earl E. Fitz.  Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1989.  My two readings come from p. 3 and pp. 78-79.