Why are We Helping?
Moses: The people that are saying, “Why are we helping?” Again, it’s a lack of information or education on their part. Or a lack of a connection. Because if it was one of their people, the first thing they would say is, “Why don’t you help my son or my daughter? My daughter OD’d and nobody helped them.” Until it touches some people, they don’t care about it. That’s the reality. But everybody else, it’s just a lack of education pretty much.
How to Help
Donate or Volunteer:
Philadelphia Resilience Project:
- https://www.phila.gov/programs/philadelphia-resilience-project/support-the-philadelphia-resilience-project/
South Kensington Community Partners:
- http://www.southkensingtoncommunity.org/get-involved
- https://pathwaystohousingpa.org
Creative Resilience Collective:
- https://www.creativeresco.org/
- https://ppponline.org/donate
- https://www.safehousephilly.org/show-your-support
- https://esperanza.salsalabs.org/donate/index.html
- https://www.hacecdc.org/donate/
Everyday Suggestions for Combating Stigma and False Narratives:
- Be Informed
- “Stigmatizing attitudes against mental patients are more prevalent among less educated and more competitive groups.” (Davidson)
- Remember people are people, and that empathy for those who are suffering “should not be conditional” (Shihipar).
- Have Conversations
- Listen to Lived Experiences
- Be aware that there’s always more to the story than is written on the page