Palestinian Refugees Living in the Middle East, 1999


Palestinian refugees living in the Middle East


This map shows the distribution of Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. The map represents refugee camps with circles whose area is proportional to the size of each camp. Countries with UNRWA UNRWA intervention and the security zone in southern Libya are noted.

The data table to the left details the number of refugee camps, the number of refugees, and the number of refugees living in those camps in each country. Additionally, there is an inset line graph to the left of the map which shows the rise of refugees found in 6 areas and countries in the Middle East from 1985-1999. Approximately 3.6 million refugees lived in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza in 1999. [1]


  • For the population of Talbieh, Jerash, Soug and Housn camps in Jordan, the UNRWA indicates a superior number (black circles) to those of registered refugees (grey circles). In addition, the UNRWA notes the existence of two “unofficial” camps in Syria (red circles). The first is situated near the Lattaquie with about 2,500 refugees. The second camp is much more important: Yarmouk has close to 100,000 people and is situated in outskirts/ghettos of Damas.


Le Monde Diplomatique [2]

Cartographer: Philippe Rekacewicz


© Le Monde Diplomatique