Exhibiting The Empire Of Kublai Khan, 1294


A.D. 1294. Exhibiting The Empire Of Kublai Khan.


Engraved by Sidy. Hall Bury Strt. Bloomsby.

London, Published Augt. 1829, by Seeley & Burnside, 169, Fleet Street.


The map shows that the Empire of Kublai Khan extended across
most of Eurasia at the time of his death.

In addition to Eurasia, the map includes Greenland and North Africa, all within
dark swirling clouds suggesting the limits of the world known to the inhabitants
of the empire at the time.

The map was originally published in An Historical Atlas; In A Series Of Maps Of The World As Known At Different Periods, by Edward Quin.


Edward Quin. An Historical Atlas. Printed For R.B.Seeley and W. Burnside, 1830.

The maps were engraved by Sidney Hall.

Cartography Associates, David Rumsey Collection, map 3916.


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