Week 2
DGB brings:
Yes, they “broadcast”; but they do so to create the occasion for “dialog.” See John Durham Peters, Speaking into the Air, Chapter 1.
Week 3
Denise Brings:
There was a smoke, that may have been the smell that we needed, in order to think…
Week 4
Chandler Brings…
Memory, body, and what can be preserved…
Week 5
A self portrait (Jeremy)
Mini-monumentalism? The paperweight. But also the symbol of a degree? To weigh upon the paper. (Ben)
What does Whitman say? “Melange mine own…” (Lauren)
Week 6
Navjit brings us elements from the material culture of religious commitment (and, at the same time, reminders of family ties, sociological stratification, power, migration, and…the seemingly inexhaustible symbolic repertoire of light and darkness)
Week 7
(we were objectless…)
Week 8
Emilio brings us his typewriter: “An Inscription of lost memories on the Ribbon”
Week 9
The mystery bag….
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12