9/17: Introduction: 1920s & 30s, the “New Woman,” Urban Space, and New Media Audiences
Screening: Stella Dallas (King Vidor, US, 1937)
9/24: 1940s Ships & Sailors, “Rosie the Riveter,” Stars as Exports, & the Zoot Suit Riots
- Jane Marcellus, “Bo’s’n’s Whistle: Representing ‘Rosie the Riveter’ on the Job”
- James Mandrell, “Carmen Miranda Betwixt and Between, or, Neither Here nor There.”
- Eduardo Obregón Pagán, “Los Angeles, Geopolitics and the Zoot Suit Riot, 1943”
- Ara Osterweill, “America Year Zero”
Primary texts:
- Fred Hogue, “Social Eugenics” (weekly column), Los Angeles Times, 8 June 1941
- Washington Post “Zoot Suit Riot” article collection.
Screening: The Gang’s All Here (Busby Berkeley, US, 1943)
Fireworks (Kenneth Anger, US, 1947)
10/1: 1950s-60s Suburbia, Motherhood, Housewifery, & The Pill
- Lynn Spigel, “Television and the Family Circle”
- Laura Briggs, “Demon Mothers in the Social Laboratory: Development, Overpopulation, and ‘The Pill””
- Janice Radway, “Women Read the Romance”
Primary texts:
- Margaret Sanger, “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda” https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/webedition/app/documents/show.php?sangerDoc=238946.xml
- Betty Friedan, “The Feminine Mystique” excerpt (pages 1-3)
Screening: Written on the Wind (Douglas Sirk, US, 1956); Maya Deren experimental short: DVD, 15 min.; Matthias Mueller, Home Stories.
10/8: 1950s-60s Urban Living, Bachelor Pads, & Aspirational Media
- Pamela Robertson Wojcik, “‘We Like Our Apartment’: The Playboy Indoors”
- Laurie Ouellette, “Inventing the Cosmo Girl”
- David Johnson, “Physique Pioneers: The Politics of 1960s Gay Consumer Culture”
Primary texts:
- “The Playboy Townhouse,” Playboy (May 1962) http://www.meathaus.com/townhouse/
- Tomorrow’s Man covers and excerpts at http://www.pulpinternational.com/pulp/keyword/Tomorrow%E2%80%99s+Man.html
Screening: Pillow Talk (Michael Gordon, US, 1959)
10/15: Close Reading Session: Laura Mulvey & Alfred Hitchcock
- Laura Mulvey, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” and “Afterward”
- Janet Bergstrom, “Enunciation and Sexual Difference (Part 1)” [do your best, I don’t expect that the psychoanalytic theory will make sense on the first (or fourth) reading]
Screening: The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock, US, 1963)
Initial project pitch due
10/22: 1960s-70s: Sexual Revolutions, Collective Practice, & Strategies from the Underground
- Audre Lorde, “The Uses of the Erotic”
- Jessi Gan, “‘Still at the Back of the Bus’: Sylvia Rivera’s Struggle”
- Margaret Galvan, “Feminism Underground: The Comics Rhetoric of Lee Marrs and Roberta Gregory”
- Pat Aufderheide and Debra Zimmerman, “A to Z: A Conversation on Women’s Filmmaking”
Primary text
- Wimmin’s Comix excerpts
Screening: Alternative Distribution I (the 1970s): Newsreels, Activist Media, and Experimental Feminist Films
- Janie’s Janie (1971, 25 min) DVD
- Inside Women Inside (1978, 28 min) DVD
- Julie Dash, Four Women (1979, 4 min) DVD
- The Woman’s Film (1971, 40 min) – DVD
- Barbara McCollugh Water Ritual (6 min) DVD
10/29: Close Analysis due Monday, via email, by 11:59pm.
11/1 (Thursday): Minimum of 1 reading response posts due by 11:59pm.
11/5: 1970–1980s-Afro-Futurism, Imagining Radical Feminisms
- bell hooks, “Visionary Feminism”
- Lucas Hilderbrand, “In the Heat of the Moment: Notes on the Past, Present, and Future of Born in Flames”
- Mitchell, Logue & Berry, “Are You Burning?”
- Interview with Lizzie Borden, BOMB Magazine
Primary texts:
- Octavia Butler, “Blood Child”
- Samuel Delany, “Among the Blobs”
- Mark Dery interviews on Afrofuturism
Screening: Born In Flames (Lizzie Borden, US, 1983)
11/12: Alternative Distribution II (the 1990s): Experimental and Activist Work on Film and Video
- “The AIDS Crisis is Not Over,” conversation with Gregg Bordowitz, Douglas Crimp, and Laura Pinsky
- Women, AIDS, and Activism, ACT UP Women and AIDS Book Group, excerpts
- Douglas Crimp, “Right on, Girlfriend!”
- Marlon Riggs, “Notes of a Signifyin’ Snap Queen” & Ron Gregg review of Tongues Untied
- Alexandra Juhasz, “Forgetting ACT UP”
Primary texts:
- NYPL Gran Fury collection: Images (https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/gran-fury-collection#/) and Guide (https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/archivalcollections/pdf/granfury_0.pdf)
Project Proposal Due in class.
Screening: works by Marlon Riggs, ACT-UP, Cheryl Dunye, and more.
11/19: Community Activism & the VHS Archives: A Workshop/Screening with Alexandra Juhasz
Workshop with visiting scholar/artist. Readings and Screenings TBA.
11/26: Close Analysis II: Pariah
- Roundtable discussion on Pariah and Black Independent Cinema Today
- Michael Boyce Gillespie, excerpt from Film Blackness
- Interview with Bradford Young (https://www.indiewire.com/2011/12/color-light-and-depth-the-visual-aesthetic-of-pariah-an-interview-w-cinematographer-bradford-young-149005/)
- Interview with Tamar-Kali (https://www.colorlines.com/articles/3-questions-tamar-kali-film-composer-extraordinaire)
Screening: Pariah (Dee Rees, US, 2011) DVD, 1hr 26min.
Minimum of 2 reading response posts due by 11:59pm.
12/3: Gender and the Colonial Gaze
- Giovanni Marchini Camia, “It’s Not Literary Adaptation… It’s Literary Infection An Interview with Lucrecia Martel”
- Gerd Gemünden and Silvia Spitta, “’I Was Never Afraid’: An Interview with Lucrecia Martel”
- Trinh T. Minh-ha, excerpt from Woman, Native, Other
Screening: Zama (Lucrecia Martel, Argentina, 2017)
Project Report due in class.
12/10: Reassessing the Negative Image: A screening/workshop on Love and Hip Hop, Dirty Computers, and Experimental Digital Media
- Racquel Gates, excerpts from Double Negative: The Black Image and Popular Culture
- Nguyen Tan Hoang, excerpts from A View from the Bottom
- Thomas F. DeFrantz on “This is America” (http://asapjournal.com/b-o-s-7-3-this-is-america-thomas-f-defrantz/)
Screening: Workshop on contemporary reality TV, long-form music videos, and experimental film
12/21: All 3 reading response posts due by 11:59pm.
1/25: Final Projects must be posted by 11:59pm.