Prof L’s semi-artiuclate podcast appearances

Hello FRS 143!
I hope everyone has had a restorative break and you’re getting to dig into the fall weather. As I mentioned to a couple of you, I apologize for my slowness getting your drafts back to you – my kiddo got a mild case of Covid, and it stalled things a bit for a few days. He’s fine and happy to spend way more time at home playing games, and I am getting back on track.

Meanwhile here are three podcasts that featured Mallory Catlett’s and my book, in case you’d like to follow the thread of City Council Meeting and The City We Make Together a bit further. No reflection on grades, just an invitation for the curious:

The Applied Theater Podcast
The Art-Restart Podcast
Theater OnTAP

These may be interesting if you’re thinking about theater, theater and education, sociology and theater or new ways to civically engage. 

See you next week!
Prof L

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