Student Feedback

“I believe that the videos helped me better understand the context of what we were learning.”
“The videos are more entertaining and feel like we are learning things in a broader context.”
“More information than just the textbook. Adds context.”
“I like the additional context in Chinese conversation presented by the videos.”

“It helps me see situations where people use the grammar.”
“It applies what we learned in a real-life setting where I can see what I learned being used outside the classroom.”
“I like how the videos make it applicable to a real-life situation because sometimes the book dialogue may seem far-fetched, but seeing real people act something out makes it seem real!”
“It makes Chinese feel more applicable by seeing Chinese people in China speak the language.”
“I like that we can see how the words and grammar we learn can be used in real-world dialogue. The videos are also entertaining and fun to learn from.”
“In video class, I can learn about Chinese culture and see how people actually talk.”

“It helps you understand faster Chinese.”
“I like the fact of watching real Chinese people speaking at full speed.”
“It allows us to see how native Chinese speakers say the things we have learned.”
“With the video, we can hear what our text sounds like spoken by fluent Chinese speakers.”
“It is a nice change of pace and lets us visualize the lesson.”
“I like listening to Chinese speakers at a normal pace, hearing dialogues without interruption.”
“Listening to the grammar/sample sentences in real speaking speed was a good practice.”
“The videos are quite interesting, and it is good to see how Chinese should sound like at a fluent pace.”
“They speak faster which seems more realistic.”
“I get to see how Chinese actually speak at their normal tone speed.”

“Compared with traditional drill class, the video class is funnier and more entertaining.”
“I like the humor, acting and more variety of sentences.”
“Seeing people other than the teachers speak is helpful for pronunciation. Also, the characters are hilarious.”
“The videos are funny and enjoyable.”
“It is more entertaining.”
“It mixes things up. Makes you listen to a faster speech.”
“See real conversation and fun to watch.”
“There is some visual to go along with the context and another story that differs from that in the book. They are funny as well!”
“I think that videos are good to get more ways of saying the same things and they are really cute.”
“The videos are fun and have real dialogues.”