About the author

Yike Li is currently a Chinese Language Lecturer at Columbia University where he teaches First-Year Chinese N and Second Year Chinese N. Prior to joining Columbia University, he taught at Princeton University and Harvard University for six years. He has teaching experiences at different summer language programs, such as Columbia Summer Language Program, Princeton in Beijing, and Harvard Beijing Academy. He received funding from the Princeton Center for Language Study and the Department of East Asian Studies of Princeton University to make thirty 1- to 3-minute videos for use as supplementary materials for FIRST STEP – An Elementary Reader for Modern Chinese (Chih-p’ing Chou, Jing Wang and Jun Lei 2014). This effort involved scriptwriting, directing, recording, editing, and producing. He was also awarded the Certificate of Distinction in Teaching and was recognized for excellence in teaching for six consecutive semesters at Harvard University.

He received his M.A. in Chinese Linguistics at Beijing Language and Culture University. His recent research projects include A Study on the Relationship Between the Phonetic Duration and Tones in Chinese Three-Syllable Phrases and A Design-Based Research on the Development of Audio-Visual Materials for First-Year Chinese as a Foreign Language Classes.

Contact: LI Yike | Lecturer in East Asian Languages and Cultures,
Chinese Language Program, Columbia University

407 Kent Hall 1140 Amsterdam Ave. MC 3907 New York, NY 10027



Jing Wang is Associate Director of the Chinese Language Program at Princeton. She completed her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she majored in pre-modern Chinese Literature. Prior to coming to Princeton,

she had been Assistant Professor and Director of the Chinese Language Program at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. She previously taught at Princeton University as a Chinese lecturer from 2006-2008. Co-author of an elementary Chinese language textbook entitled “First Step,” which is due to be available by the end of the year (Princeton University Press).

Recent Publications:

· Song Dynasty Tales: A Guided Reader (Singapore: World Scientific), forthcoming 2017.
· “Transformation of Conception: The Pedagogical Principles and Influences of the Romanzation Systems in Three 19th Century Chinese Textbooks” in Guoji hanyu jiaoyu 国际汉语教育 (International Education of Chinese Language), 2015, vol. 1.pp.182-8.
· First Step: An Elementary Reader for Modern Chinese (Princeton University Press, 2014)
· “From Immortality to Mortality: Image of Tang Courtesans in Verse, Painting, and Anecdote” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2012, 6(2), pp. 277-293.

Contact: WANG Jing | Senior Lecturer in East Asian Studies. Associate Director, Chinese Language Program
Office: 609-258-2945
Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University
223 Frist Campus Center, Frist Lane, Princeton, NJ, 08544